

在 南方松防腐材產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 美國南方松防腐材應用研討會 美國在台協會和美國針葉材協會為了讓使用者可以更了解防腐處理木材的特性和使用規範,特別邀請了來自美國的防腐材專家,分享他在業界的經驗。研討會也將邀請到知名建築師洪育成先生和美國針葉材大中華區代表許方先生,針對南方松的施工、維護和應用做更詳盡的解析。 南方松易於防腐...

  • 南方松防腐材 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-11-25 12:07:13
    有 147 人按讚



    有興趣者欲報名請至: https://docs.google.com/…/1mNtsOAjKL5gbmXtdSBSGXa…/viewform…

    Application of Southern Yellow Pine Treated Lumber
    Southern Pine’s superior treatability makes it the preferred species when pressure treatment with wood preservatives is required. That is why nearly 85% of all pressure-treated wood used in the U.S. is Southern Pine. Modern science has developed preservative treatments that are odorless and colorless, and leave the wood paintable and dry to the touch. Treatment with preservatives protects wood that is exposed to the elements, in contact with the ground or subjected to high humidity.

    The American Institute in Taiwan and the American Softwoods cordially invite users who are interested in learning the characteristics and applications of treated Southern Pine to attend this seminar. Prominent professionals from the U.S., China and Taiwan will be sharing their experience with attendees.

    Register now at: https://docs.google.com/…/1mNtsOAjKL5gbmXtdSBSGXa…/viewform…

