為什麼這篇升跌英文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在升跌英文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者kkom (當你闖入我的心..煩吶)看板Eng-Class標題Re: [翻譯] 請教一下關於股市...
升跌英文 在 BusinessFocus | 商業、投資、創科平台 Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-08-03 10:00:12
【@marketfocus.hk 】【教育股災】中央整頓補習行業 「新東方」最有錢教師俞敏洪身家縮水逾200億 . 「新東方」創辦人俞敏洪被譽為「中國最有錢的老師」,這傳奇人物年輕時曾三次高考,由英文欠佳變成頂級英語老師及考入北大,後來卻一度被綁架險死還生,終憑著創辦「新東方(9901)」教育機構成...
※ 引述《solarjeff (吉祥如意)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《dawnstars (當你闖入我的心..煩啊)》之銘言:
: : 最近作報告,老師要求要用英文
: : 有一句話,我們主要想表達出「當股票市場大幅上漲或下跌」的意思
自己補充一下 ^^
crash and burn
crash and boom這個比較多
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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作者: schlimazl (schlimazl) 看板: Eng-Class
標題: Re: [翻譯] 請教一下關於股市漲跌的英文
時間: Fri Jun 17 00:00:27 2005
to soar (用飛的,當然是大漲)
to spiral (呈螺旋形上升)
to tumble (翻了個跟斗)
to plummet (想像一下墜子落下)
來修飾higher, lower(小幅度的漲、跌)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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作者: solarjeff (吉祥如意) 看板: Eng-Class
標題: Re: [翻譯] 請教一下關於股市漲跌的英文
時間: Fri Jun 17 00:04:05 2005
bull market 股市上漲趨勢
bear market 股市下跌趨勢
bull market
A prolonged period in which investment prices rise faster than their
historical average. Bull markets can happen as a result of an economic
recovery, an economic boom, or investor psychology. The longest and most
famous bull market is the one that began in the early 1990s in which the U.S.
equity markets grew at their fastest pace ever. opposite of bear market.
A prolonged period in which investment prices fall, accompanied by widespread
pessimism. If the period of falling stock prices is short and immediately
follows a period of rising stock prices, it is instead called a correction.
Bear markets usually occur when the economy is in a recession and
unemployment is high, or when inflation is rising quickly. The most famous
bear market in U.S. history was the Great Depression of the 1930s. opposite
of bull market.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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作者: crewford ( ) 看板: Eng-Class
標題: Re: [翻譯] 請教一下關於股市漲跌的英文
時間: Sat Jun 18 02:08:57 2005
bull market直譯為牛市 也就是股票市場所稱的 "多頭市場"
這樣的市場特性就是 股價會看漲 適合做買進投機
bear market直譯為熊市 也就是股票市場所稱的 "空頭市場"
這樣的市場特性 主要是股價會下跌 適合作賣空投機
至於股市漲跌的說法 有以下
上揚 : 1 gain (作動詞) 例 => 某某指數 gained a 1/3 percent
2 edge up slightly 緩緩上升 3 climb 上升 4 rise 上漲
下跌 : 1 drop 例=> 某某股票 dropped 10 percent
2 fall 3 decline
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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