

在 北芪薏米水產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【夏天症狀】哪些人容易反覆中暑? ⭐在高溫下活動要量力而為 ⭐過度疲勞與睡眠不足都容易中暑 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 容易中暑的體質 夏天驕陽似火,曬一曬就大汗淋漓,有些人更見頭暈眼花、胸悶噁心、呼吸困難,瀕臨中暑邊緣!當身體機能未能有效調節體溫便會中暑,為甚麼有些人特別容易中暑呢?中醫...

北芪薏米水 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-17 03:58:56

【夏天症狀】哪些人容易反覆中暑? ⭐在高溫下活動要量力而為 ⭐過度疲勞與睡眠不足都容易中暑 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 容易中暑的體質 夏天驕陽似火,曬一曬就大汗淋漓,有些人更見頭暈眼花、胸悶噁心、呼吸困難,瀕臨中暑邊緣!當身體機能未能有效調節體溫便會中暑,為甚麼有些人特別容易中暑呢?中醫...

北芪薏米水 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-17 03:58:56

【汗如雨下】手巾仔轉眼就濕透 ⭐連靜止時都不斷出汗 ⭐大汗人有苦自己知 #星期五湯水 浮小麥湯補虛止汗 人緊張時容易出手汗,是因為交感神經過度緊張所致,屬於正常生理反應。但如果不分晝夜長時間出手汗,情緒緊張時手汗情況加劇,就要注意身體狀況,因為長時間流失津液會令身體變虛,而且手汗多、帶着汗臭味很...

北芪薏米水 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-06-21 12:04:24

【鼻無可避?】三種體虛人士要小心 ⭐據知每四個香港人便有一個患鼻敏感 ⭐鼻敏感人士亦比較易患上其他敏感症 #星期二提升正能量 你容易患上鼻敏感嗎? 鼻敏感是天生的嗎?未必!中醫理論中鼻敏感稱為「鼻鼽」,主要因為肺氣虛虧、衛氣失固或寒邪所致的疾病,再加上天氣或外在環境轉變影響到臟腑運作而形成,有三...

  • 北芪薏米水 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-26 18:09:31
    有 169 人按讚




    🤒 熱性體質

    🤒 體虛人士

    🤒 濕重人士

    ✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:熱氣

    ✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:濕重

    ✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:朝米水


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    Which body constitutions are prone to heatstroke?
    The scorching sun during summer causes us to sweat buckets, and some might experience dizziness, chest tightness, breathing difficulties, and even heatstroke! When the body fails to regulate the temperature in time, we can get a heatstroke.

    Why are certain people prone to heatstroke? According to the Chinese Medicine theories, individuals with these three body constitutions need to be more mindful of the overheating condition.

    🤒 Individuals with heat in the body
    These individuals always experience dry eyes and dry mouth. Their urine is often yellow in color, their stools are normally dry, and they have constipation problems. When individuals with a hot body constitution are exposed to the summer heat, it is almost like adding fuel to the fire. This would increase their chances of developing a heatstroke.
    To do: clear the summer-heat by eating watermelon, honeydew, winter gourd, and bitter gourd. Drinking herbal tea can also help cool down the body.

    🤒 Individuals with a weak body constitution
    Excessive sweating during summer will increase the burden of the lungs. Qi-deficient and yin-deficient individuals tend to sweat even when they are inactive or sleeping. Sweating profusely can damage qi in the heart, and the heat can lead to fatique
    To do: qi-deficient individuals should replenish qi and strengthen the body by consuming Astragalus root, Codonopsis root, and Pseudostellaria heterophylla root; yin-deficient individuals should nourish yin by consuming an appropriate amount of snow fungus, American ginseng, and honey.

    🤒 Individuals with accumulated dampness in the body
    The humid weather makes us feel warm, and the same goes for individuals with accumulated dampness in the body. Their sticky sweat and weak spleen inevitably cause fluid to stagnate in the body. This would limit their ability to dissipate heat from the body, hence, increasing their chances of becoming heatstroke victims.
    To do: strengthen the spleen and dispel ampness from the body by drinking rice water daily and consuming coix seed, white hyacinth bean, and rice bean.

    ✔️CheckCheckCin Healing Tea Recommendation: Very hot (qi)
    Ingredients: Plumeria, chrysanthemum bud, spreading hedyotis
    Effects: Clears heat and detoxifies. Relieves bad breath, frequent eye discharge, red and dry eyes, frequent loss of temper, scanty or yellowish urine.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dampness
    Ingredients: Rice bean, black eyed bean, hyacinth bean coat
    Effects: Strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness. Relieves fatigue, tired even after adequate sleep, heaviness in limbs and edema.

    ✔ Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
    Effects: Suitable for the whole family to enhance physical wellbeing, especially those with a weak digestive system or with a phlegm and dampness body type.

    Welcome to order through our website:

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    #男 #女 #我煩躁 #我狀態OK #我疲憊 #我枯燥 #濕熱 #氣虛 #陰虛 #痰濕

  • 北芪薏米水 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-23 17:18:30
    有 160 人按讚





    1. 所有材料洗淨,鮮淮山去皮切大塊備用。
    2. 鍋中加入2500毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。

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    Blighted wheat soup to replenish deficiency and prevent sweating

    When we panic, our palms tend to sweat easily due to the activation of our nervous system. Even though it is a normal biological reaction, we have to start monitoring our body if we have excessively sweaty palms for extended periods.

    Excessive moisture loss from the body can weaken the body. Sweaty palms and unpleasant body odor can also affect our social life and cause skin diseases such as dyshidrosis.

    Individuals with different body constitutions can develop sweaty palms. Individuals who are qi-deficient will develop the accompanying symptoms such as pale complexion, dizziness, teeth mark on the tongue, weak speaking voice, prone to catching a cold, regular abdominal bloating, frequent urination, and need to use a lot of strength to pass motion, even though the stools are loose.

    Qi-deficient individuals should focus on strengthening their spleen and nourish their qi. Drink rice water and consume an adequate amount of Chinese yam, white hyacinth bean, coix seed, ginseng, millet, potato, and red date that can help nourish the qi and strengthen the spleen. We can also add blighted wheat into our soup, as this particular ingredient can reduce sweating. It is also good for the qi, can calm our mind, and clear the heat from our body.

    Tips on ingredient:
    Astragalus root is warm in nature. It can improve deficiencies, nourish qi, strengthen the heart and protect the liver. Suitable for those with qi and blood deficiency, prone to cold/flu, asthenic spleen and diarrhea. Those with yin deficiency with excess fire, qi stagnation and abdominal bloating should not eat.

    Astragalus root and blighted wheat soup with millet
    Effects: Strengthens the spleen and nourishes qi. Strengthens the body and reduces sweating. Relieves symptoms of excessive sweating.
    Ingredients: 1 fresh Chinese yam, 2 ears of corn, 15g astragalus root, 15g codonopsis root, 30g blighted wheat, 1/2 cup millet (or 1 pack of dawn rice water powder), 2 candied dates
    1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peel the Chinese yam and cut into large chunks. Remove husks from corn (keep silk) and cut into pieces.
    2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hours. Add salt to taste.

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    #男 #女 #我狀態OK #氣虛 #感冒

  • 北芪薏米水 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-08 18:49:29
    有 137 人按讚







    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Are you prone to nasal allergies?
    Are people born with nasal allergies? Not necessarily! According to Chinese Medicine theories, a nasal allergy is called ‘Bi Qiu’ in Mandarin, and it is caused by weakness of the qi in the lungs, weak immune system, or the cold pathogenic factor.

    The changes of the weather and environment can also further affect the functions of the organs. Individuals of these three body constitutions might develop nasal allergies more easily, so if you have the symptoms below, do seek the treatment accordingly.

    👃🏻Weakness of the qi in the lungs
    Symptoms: itchy nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, clear mucus, frequently getting colds, aversion to wind, excessive sweating, fatigue
    Health tip: warm and nourish the lungs; consume ingredients that can nourish the qi, such as Chinese yam, potato, ginseng, red date, and quail

    Tea to nourish lung and protect against wind
    Ingredients: 9g astragalus root, 6g root of fangfeng, 6g bighead atractylodes rhizome, 3g poria, honey to taste
    Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Combine all ingredients with 1000ml of water and cook on high heat for 30 minutes. Pour all contents into a thermos. Add honey after the tea has warmed. Tea can be re-brewed until flavour weakens. For best results, drink for 2-3 days a week for a treatment.

    👃🏻Weakness of the qi in the spleen
    Symptoms: itchy nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, runny mucus but white in color; the allergic reaction might be triggered easily during the morning or when the weather is humid; fatigue, appetite loss, and loose stools
    Health tip: nourish the spleen and the stomach; consume ingredients that can nourish the qi such as rice, potato, Chinese yam, lotus seed, coix seed, and white lentils

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
    Effects: Reduces water retention. Relieves abdominal bloating. Improves yellowish complexion.
    Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.

    👃🏻Weakness of the qi in the kidneys
    Symptoms: itchy nose, sneezing, clear mucus; symptoms would become more severe during winter or the cold season; aversion to cold, soreness from lower back to knees, tinnitus, and nocturia (excessive urination at night)
    Health tip: nourish the qi in the kidneys; consume ingredients that can nourish the kidneys such as black sesame, black fungus, black beans, black-boned chicken, walnut and chestnut

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dusk rice water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, Black Sesame, Black Soya Bean
    Effects: remedy to frequent late nights, improve hair quality and nourish kidneys, relieve sore lower back

    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

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