【English Time】 快開工囉!「加薪」英文怎麼說?
Marie: The Chinese New Year break is finally over. Do you have any plans this year?(春節假期終於結束了。你今年有什麼計畫嗎?) Amy: I'd li...
【English Time】 快開工囉!「加薪」英文怎麼說?
Marie: The Chinese New Year break is finally over. Do you have any plans this year?(春節假期終於結束了。你今年有什麼計畫嗎?) Amy: I'd like to ask for a pay raise first. Since I've already got my year-end bonus, I've got nothing to lose.(我想要先要求加薪。既然我已經拿到年終獎金了,我沒啥好損失的。) Marie: I've received my bonus as well, but it was burning a hole in my pocket. Besides, I really can't afford to lose this job.(我也拿到獎金了,但是我一下就花光了。還有,我真的不能失去這份工作。) Amy: Well, in fact, I've made up my mind to jump ship if the request is denied. (嗯,事實上,我已經決定,如果加薪的要求被拒絕,我就要跳槽了。) Marie: But you know, you're not young anymore. Your career's at stake if you don't get it. (但是,你也知道,你不年輕了。你若沒加到薪,工作就岌岌可危了。) Amy: I think that starting a business would also be an option. I've always been dreaming about opening an online fashion boutique. (我想創業也是個選擇。我一直夢想要開一間網路流行服飾店。) Marie: Then you should go find Jack Ma. He said he will help young Taiwanese entrepreneurs start their biz.(那你應該去找馬雲。他說過他願意幫助年輕的台灣企業家創業。) ✪ 解析 ✔ pay raise 加薪。口語中,也可簡單用 raise(美式)或 rise(英式)表示。
✔ burn a hole in someone's pocket (錢)在某人的口袋燒了一個洞時,就表示這個人口袋一有錢,就會馬上花光,也就是「某人花錢如流水;留不住錢」。
例:Karen is a typical shopaholic, and money always burns a hole in her pocket. (Karen 是個典型的購物狂,她總是花錢如流水。)
✔ jump ship 就是「棄船、跳船」,也常被引申指「離開經營不善的企業或組織」。
✔ request (n.) 要求,請求
✔ make up someone's mind 下定決心
✔ be at stake 有風險;處於危急關頭 = be at risk
例:The doctor told me that my health is at stake if I don't change my diet habits. (醫生告訴我,我若不改變飲食習慣,健康就有危險。)
✔ boutique (n.) 專賣流行衣服的小商店, 精品店
✔ entrepreneur (n.) 企業家;創業者
✔ biz (n.) 生意(口語) showbiz (n.) 娛樂圈
(Read more at http://kojen.togelearn.com/articles/452 AND