

在 利尿飲品產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【男士獨有】關心他的前列腺 #男性常見生理疾病 #當年小便射過界今日屙尿滴濕鞋 #星期一BlueMonday 趁早保健前列腺 前列腺是男士獨有的生殖腺,負責分泌濃液保護精子和尿道,良性前列腺增生(又名良性前列腺肥大症),是男士正常衰老的生理疾病,主要症狀包括:常有尿急感覺、排尿困...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過49萬的網紅觀點,也在其Youtube影片中提到,主持人:詩瑋 來賓:振興醫院 新陳代謝科 石光中醫師 主題:我到底是肥胖還是水腫? 雙腳老是又腫又脹,到底是真的胖了還是水腫了?水腫該如何自我判斷?水腫可能代表身體有哪些潛在疾病?水腫還能正常喝水嗎?多喝咖啡茶類等利尿飲品有幫助嗎?讓石光中醫師告訴你! 節目時間:週一至週日 11:00 am-12...

利尿飲品 在 Like Magazine HK Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-28 21:28:47

【中年後每小時都要去廁所?每日做1個動作改善尿頻】⁣ ⁣ 隨著年齡增長,身體機能慢慢衰退。其中一個明顯嘅身體狀況改變就係 #尿頻。你係咪每隔一小時就要去廁所一次?唔想因為身理需要,頻頻去廁所而影響工作效率及生活質素,當踏入熟齡,只要勤做一個動作便有助改善及預防尿頻。⁣ ⁣ 🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽⁣⁣...

  • 利尿飲品 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-06-10 17:31:17
    有 279 人按讚





    Start taking care of your prostate earlier

    Only men have prostate which secretes concentrated liquid to protect sperm and urethra. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (also called prostate gland enlargement) is a physiological diseases occur with aging. The main symptoms include frequent urgent need to urinate, difficulty urinating, frequent urination, nocturia, weak urinary flow and urinary pain, etc. Studies have shown that benign prostatic hyperplasia affects 50% of men over 60 years old and 90% of men over 70 years old.
    From Chinese medicine perspective, the symptoms caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia belong to the category of "retention of urine". As men grow older, the kidney qi is weakened, and old age is usually the cause of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Chinese medicine believes that the kidney controls of discharge of urine and stool. Deficiency of kidney yang worsens the bladder qi which causes symptoms such as frequent urination, difficult urination and weak urinary flow, etc. The enlarged prostate is mainly caused by the accumulation of phlegm and dampness, and damp heat. The blood stasis and qi stagnation around the prostate can lead the bladder and urethral obstruction. Therefore, Chinese medicine treatment restores the bladder qi first, combined with warming the kidney and yang, strengthening spleen and dispeling dampness, activating blood and relieving stasis and nourishing qi according to body condition.

    Young men should pay attention to the following daily care tips for prostate health to prevent the disease.
    ✔Drink plenty of water during the day. Drink less water before going to bed to avoid frequent night urination.
    ✔Appropriately consume ingredients that nourish kidney such as dusk rice water, seaweed, polygonum multiflorum, wolfberries, chestnuts and cashews, etc.
    ✔Moderately exercise every day.
    ✔Cultivate your spirit and take appropriate rest.
    ❌Drink less diuretic drinks such as coffee or tea.
    ❌Do not hold your stool and urine to avoid pressure on the prostate.
    ❌Eat less oily, fatty and spicy food, and animal fat so as not to enhance damp heat.
    ❌Do not sit for prolonged periods of time to avoid pressure on the prostate. You should take a walk every hour.

    #男 #濕熱 #痰濕 #氣滯 #血瘀

  • 利尿飲品 在 Watsons Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2013-06-12 15:00:01
    有 402 人按讚


    1. 減少於大太陽底下運動,尤其在上午10 時至下午2時。
    2. 在戶外應撐陽傘、戴遮陽或通風的帽子及太陽眼鏡。
    3. 隨時補充水分,避免喝含咖啡因及酒類等利尿飲品。
    4. 穿著寬鬆透氣、淡色的衣服,以避免吸收紫外線。
    5. 如果在戶外工作,應更注意水分的補充及空氣的流通。


