Wow! 好新的資訊!
最近才在暑期課教授Youth Subculture 「青少年次文」,
馬上有 @icefield_forcedsmile0301 提供LOL—League of Legends的角色更新版!
可以找 #俐媽英文教室英雄聯盟篇 哦!
Wow! 好新的資訊!
最近才在暑期課教授Youth Subculture 「青少年次文」,
馬上有 @icefield_forcedsmile0301 提供LOL—League of Legends的角色更新版!
可以找 #俐媽英文教室英雄聯盟篇 哦!
㊙️ 俐媽英文教室—英雄聯盟角色篇part 5:
⚔️ Aatrox (厄薩斯)
Now, hear the silence (沈靜) of annihilation (殲滅)!
⚔️ Akail (阿卡莉)🆕
Fear the assassin (刺客) with no master.
⚔️ Aphelios (亞菲利歐) 🆕
So many weapons (武器), Aphelios. The deadliest is your faith (信念).
⚔️ Aurelion Sol (翱銳龍獸)
⚔️ Bard (巴德)
[Bard chimes](巴德不會話只有編鐘聲)
⚔️ Braum (布朗姆)
The heart is the strongest muscle (肌肉).
⚔️ Camille (卡蜜兒)
Precision (精準) is the difference between a butcher (屠夫) and a surgeon (外科醫師).
⚔️ Cassiopeia (卡莎碧亞) 🆕
There is no antidote (戒毒劑) for me.
⚔️ Ekko (艾克)
It’s not how much time you have, it’s how you use it.
⚔️ Evelynn (伊芙琳) 🆕
You know you want me.
⚔️ Ezreal (伊澤瑞爾) 🆕
Quest (尋求) accepted!... Wait, where are we going?
⚔️ Fiddlesticks (費德提克) 🆕
Fear (恐懼)......
⚔️ Galio (加里歐) 🆕
Time to make an impact (衝擊).
⚔️ Gangplank (剛普朗克) 🆕
Neither the flames (火焰) nor the depths could claim (取⋯性命) me.
⚔️ Garen (蓋倫) 🆕
My heart and sword (劍) always for Demacia (地名).
⚔️ Gnar (吶兒)
Gnar gada!
⚔️ Illaoi (ILLAOI il長太像了😂)(伊羅旖)
I’m not big on sermons (啟示) broken bones teach better lessons.
⚔️ Irelia (伊瑞莉雅)
Fight for the first lands!
⚔️ Ivern (埃爾文)
My favorite color is spring.
⚔️ Jinx (吉茵珂絲)
Rules are made to be broken... like buildings! Or people!
⚔️ Kai’Sa (凱莎)
Are you the hunter.... or the prey (獵物)?
⚔️ Kalista (克黎思妲)
Death to all betrayers (背叛者).
⚔️ Karma (卡瑪) 🆕
Always trust your spirit (精神).
⚔️ Kayn (慨影)(Rhaast是慨影的鐮刀)
Kayn: Will you prove (證明) worthy (值得的)?
Rhaast: Probably not.
⚔️ Kindred (鏡爪)(鏡爪是雙子角色)
Lamb: Never one.
Wolf: Without the other!
⚔️ Kayle (凱爾) 🆕
They shall tremble (顫抖) at my perfection.
⚔️ Kled (克雷德)
I find courage (勇氣) unpredictable (無法預測的); it’s total insanity (瘋狂) you can rely on (倚賴)!