

在 六个字祝福语產品中有20篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #秋月四点记录 1002 ➊. #莫名其妙的逻辑 这几天一直有这个感觉: #大日子越接近, #这政府越幽默!先是告知可以同桌吃团年饭的亲属关系、再来部长回国只需隔离三天(?)、然后年二九今天开放堂食(限二人一桌)、零售业也允许开放(请戴手套选衣服买新鞋等)。 网民笑说,是不是为了给要过年的我们...

六个字祝福语 在 Dato Tony Looi 雷智雄 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-26 14:59:22

香港游行进入了几个月了,从六月九日因为修改《逃犯条例》引爆不满的人士的"反送中"大游行示威,超过百万人涌上街头。 我本人非常支持年轻人可以自由选择和表达自己的想法和感受,也接受不同政治立场和政策的需求。但是必须中立立场和独立去分析问题的真正原因,而千万不能跟风以情绪去发泄或被有心人煽动,更要懂得每件...

六个字祝福语 在 Angel 迎晶 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-01 23:52:44

长文慎入之 要就看完不然别看 每一趟旅途都有上天要你看明白的事, 比如这一趟艾美丽的槟城婚宴。 上一次和剑锋叔叔同桌用餐🍴 已是六七年前的一场庆功宴上。 我是节目撰稿人,他是节目主持人。 那时候坐他对面,没怎么聊, 这一次坐旁边,大聊特聊。 认识他那么久,第一次有机会讲那么多话。 而且一讲就是互相...

  • 六个字祝福语 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-10 07:50:12
    有 511 人按讚

    #秋月四点记录 1002

    ➊. #莫名其妙的逻辑

    这几天一直有这个感觉: #大日子越接近, #这政府越幽默!先是告知可以同桌吃团年饭的亲属关系、再来部长回国只需隔离三天(?)、然后年二九今天开放堂食(限二人一桌)、零售业也允许开放(请戴手套选衣服买新鞋等)。


    ➋. #莫名其妙就过年了

    明天就是除夕夜,后天星期五就是大年初一。其实还没准备好心情过年,(皆因手上工作未完成XD),孩子已经完全是过年MOOD了!希望过节,人们依然谨守SOP,努力阻断传播链, #14天后的数字我们一起来稳住呀。佳节14天后(月底 2月28日前),盼不再上演圣诞跨年后群聚染疫的情况。

    ➌. #莫名其妙的肚子

    我的大公子科比马进入猛涨期。MCO的日子,爸妈在家最常听见孩子喊: #我饿了!现在连弟弟也会学哥哥说,“妈妈,我想我有点饿了。” 哈!昨晚,弟弟先会周公,哥哥就流着泪敲自己肚子,说不明白为什么自己一直肚子饿,为什么我和爸爸又不会(儿子啊,那是因为我们脂肪够多可以燃烧)。安抚他,发育时期需要摄取更多营养食物,饿了没关系。




    ➍. #莫名其妙的心情

    早安星期三,我是秋月。回到眼前,手边打着的稿,粒粒皆不易。每一篇都搅拌着孩子的呼唤声,WFH最大的修炼就是: #妈妈角色的切换速度要神快。


    记得跟一跟,进入第六周的 #秋月的育儿天地 哦!


    📍 电台一日一分钟版本
    #MELODY​​ 950am首播 | 350pm重播

    📍 PODCAST完整版|#SYOKcast​​ 每周五更新

    📍 YOUTUBE视频版|每周六10AM更新

    祝福看到这里的你,小年夜快乐 ❤️

  • 六个字祝福语 在 Jessie Chung锺潔希 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-29 17:34:29
    有 119 人按讚

    Watch the “Tearless Sky” trailer now! This romantic stage play by Symphony Theatre has just debuted in August!





    同名主题曲 – 《没有泪的天空》在易桀齐和伍冠彦的编曲下,由饰演杜小梦的钟洁希填词并演唱 。美籍音乐家兼演员的李安生 在美国得过音乐奖,也为《红楼梦》话剧创作了主题曲与插曲,深获好评。 此次,为本话剧操刀制作填词,以磁性声线献唱插曲《在一起》,并以中英双语演唱《永恒》。男主角林霆坚,真情真爱以动人歌声勇敢表达《幸福女孩》。




    想要购买话剧入门票?请点击这里 :

    【询问联络】016-336 6701 (Ms. Tan)

    Want to purchase tickets? Visit the following link:
    【Contact us: 】
    Contact number: 016-336 6701 (Ms. Tan)

    How would they respond when facing the conflicts in love and the call of destiny? 🤩🤩🤩
    And does settling with a kindred soul really mean happiness?

    Growing up is going from ignorance to understanding, from holding on to letting go.
    As we know not if we might live to see tomorrow,
    We can only live life with no regrets when we learn to give and bless.
    In doing so, a tearless sky is created that truly belongs to each one of us.

    💦 “Tearless Sky”, a touching stage play based on a classic romance novel, stars well-known artist Jessie Chung. Symphony Theatre artists John Lee and Terry Lim also star in the play alongside many experienced actors.

    💌Lead actor Terry Lim portrayed Jia Baoyu in the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions” after coming first in a global audition. His portrayal of Jia Baoyu has been praised by the audience, and he is known for his superb acting skills. John Lee is an American musician and actor. He is an award-winning musician and has written two songs for the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions”, garnering favourable reviews. Two songs written by him will also appear in the stage play “Tearless Sky”. Both actors are performing arts and music majors.

    💝Jeffrey Beh, director of “Tearless Sky”, has starred in movies, dramas, short films and music videos. Paul Lee, the assistant director, is a dual citizen who grew up between the U.S. and Taiwan. He is also a character actor and learned the craft of cinematography and directing under a few renowned instructors in the U.S. Director Jeffrey Beh and Assistant Director Paul Lee both majored in performing arts and music, and have directed many dramas, short films and commercials.

    💖Growing up is going from ignorance to understanding, from holding on to letting go.
    As we know not if we might live to see tomorrow.
    We can only live life with no regrets when we learn to give and bless.
    In doing so, a tearless sky is created that truly belongs to each one of us.

    🎉Symphony Theatre presents to all theatre lovers a brand-new masterpiece, “Tearless Sky”. It is a fast-paced, hotblooded stage play. Equipped with high-end audio equipment and an LED stage to display spectacular, vivid backdrops created through 3D technology, the audience gets a chance to enjoy an immersive feast of the senses. So far, six performances of “Tearless Sky” have been scheduled. It will premiere on August 28 at Symphony Theatre.
    Stay tuned for more updates!

    Performance dates:
    First show: August 28, 2020
    Second show: August 29, 2020
    Third show: August 30, 2020
    Fourth show: September 4, 2020
    Fifth show: September 5, 2020
    Sixth show: September 6, 2020
    Duration: 2 hours 30min
    Time: 8 p.m.
    Venue: Symphony Theatre
    Performed in Mandarin with English surtitles

  • 六个字祝福语 在 Jessie Chung锺潔希 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-13 12:51:21
    有 7,824 人按讚

    More shows to come! Excitement unending!
    On August 28, 2020, Symphony Theatre will premiere a performance that is sure to warm the heart—“Tearless Sky”.




    同名主题曲 – 《没有泪的天空》在易桀齐和伍冠彦的编曲下,由饰演杜小梦的钟洁希填词并演唱 。美籍音乐家兼演员的李安生 在美国得过音乐奖,也为《红楼梦》话剧创作了主题曲与插曲,深获好评。 此次,为本话剧操刀制作填词,以磁性声线献唱插曲《在一起》,并以中英双语演唱《永恒》。男主角林霆坚,真情真爱以动人歌声勇敢表达《幸福女孩》。







    想要购买话剧入门票🤩?请点击这里 :
    【联络号码】016-336 6701(Ms. Tan)

    Want to purchase tickets? 🤩 Visit the following link:
    Contact number: 016-336 6701 (Ms. Tan)

    More shows to come! Excitement unending!
    On August 28, 2020, Symphony Theatre will premiere a performance that is sure to warm the heart—“Tearless Sky”.

    How would they respond when facing the conflicts in love and the call of destiny?
    And does settling with a kindred soul really mean happiness?

    🌧 “Tearless Sky”, a touching stage play based on a classic romance novel, stars well-known artist Jessie Chung. Symphony Theatre artists John Lee and Terry Lim also star in the play alongside many experienced actors.

    🤩 Lead actor Terry Lim portrayed Jia Baoyu in the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions” after coming first in a global audition. His portrayal of Jia Baoyu has been praised by the audience, and he is known for his superb acting skills. John Lee is an American musician and actor. He is an award-winning musician and has written two songs for the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions”, garnering favourable reviews. Two songs written by him will also appear in the stage play “Tearless Sky”. Both actors are performing arts and music majors.

    The title song, “Tearless Sky”, is composed by Yi Jet Qi and Ng Cheon Chet, while Jessie Chung, who portrays Du Xiaomeng, wrote the lyrics and performed the song. John Lee is an actor and award-winning American musician who composed the theme song and soundtrack for the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions”, garnering favourable reviews. For this upcoming play, he produced and performed the soundtrack song “Be With Me” and performed two versions of “Eternally” in both Mandarin and English with his mesmeric vocals. Male lead Terry Lim, in a daring and romantic manner, provides the love song “Happy Girl” with his marvellous voice.

    Jeffrey Beh, director of “Tearless Sky”, has starred in movies, dramas, short films and music videos. Paul Lee, the assistant director, is a dual citizen who grew up between the U.S. and Taiwan. He is also a character actor and learned the craft of cinematography and directing under a few renowned instructors in the U.S. Director Jeffrey Beh and Assistant Director Paul Lee both majored in performing arts and music, and have directed many dramas, short films and commercials.

    💘Synopsis: Jessie Chung plays a lively, cheerful girl who returns a lost item to its owner (John Lee) and loses her job due to showing up to work late. After many twists and turns, she finally finds a job as a caregiver and meets a rich young man (Terry Lim). The two begin to break the ice...

    Growing up is going from ignorance to understanding, from holding on to letting go.
    As we know not if we might live to see tomorrow,
    We can only live life with no regrets when we learn to give and bless.
    In doing so, a tearless sky is created that truly belongs to each one of us.

    💕Symphony Theatre presents to all theatre lovers a brand-new masterpiece, “Tearless Sky”. It is a fast-paced, hotblooded stage play. Equipped with high-end audio equipment and an LED stage to display spectacular, vivid backdrops created through 3D technology, the audience gets a chance to enjoy an immersive feast of the senses. So far, six performances of “Tearless Sky” have been scheduled. It will premiere on August 28 at Symphony Theatre. Stay tuned for more updates!

    Performance dates: 🏹🏹🏹
    First show: August 28, 2020
    Second show: August 29, 2020
    Third show: August 30, 2020
    Fourth show: September 4, 2020
    Fifth show: September 5, 2020
    Sixth show: September 6, 2020

    Duration: 2 hours 30min
    Time: 8 p.m.
    Venue: Symphony Theatre
    Performed in Mandarin with English surtitles

