

在 八字命盤destiny產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過10萬的網紅葉朗程,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 運氣不是誠哥的專利,也許他只是比你我更懂得何謂運氣。 什麽風水格局,什麽星象運程,只是教你怎樣「行運」。但區區一度助力,要是不懂怎樣抓住,運氣就真的只會在你隔離行過便算,最後擦身而去。 只有助力推你一把,卻沒有實力抓住,再多的運氣也是枉然。 實力來自你的性格、經歷、態度、總總加起來就是對運氣的...

八字命盤destiny 在 熱衷電商&跑廟的大棋仙姑???? ???✦♞ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-19 00:43:48

這世界唯一不變的就是一直在變 庚子年的威力不可小看 在這資訊爆炸的時代 人人都可以是自媒體 你有什麼價值可以傳達給大眾 你想要傳達什麼也越來越重要 尤其在疫情爆發後 更加發現只有一項專長很危險 現在的宅經濟起飛 網路市場也越來越蓬勃 外加知識經濟時代 你有沒有緊急備用金6個月 你有沒有多一...

八字命盤destiny 在 熱衷電商&跑廟的大棋仙姑???? ???✦♞ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-19 00:43:46

說真的很感動又聽到好消息呢! 前陣子訊息爆炸,以後大家一定要記得你們的八字屬性啊!不然我需要翻萬年曆查你們的屬性,查到我眼睛都快脫窗了🤓🤓🤓 以下是各個屬性的幸運財色哦! 甲乙「木」-黃色 丙丁「火」-白色 戊己「土」-黑色 庚辛「金」-綠色 壬癸「水」-紅色 所以說,根據八字五行顏色,是可以做調...

  • 八字命盤destiny 在 葉朗程 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-16 17:44:16
    有 2,629 人按讚




    實力來自你的性格、經歷、態度、總總加起來就是對運氣的一種 processing。好的運氣要 process,壞的運氣也要 process,只要用得其所,運氣也許沒有好壞之分。


    誠哥在基金會上的面書上說:「我一直相信命和運,是天數與選擇之間的互動。」如此金句,誠哥背後的團隊翻譯得尤其精彩:Life and destiny is the confluence of fate and luck。那個 fate,就是上天給你的一半;至於 destiny,就是掌握在自己手裏的另一半。



    有些人被女媧捧了上天,卻不好好珍惜,繼續自私自利我行我素,最後把 777 張好牌打到爛牌一樣,這到底又是 fate 還是 destiny?

    兩樣都唔係——it is a nightmare。

  • 八字命盤destiny 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-30 23:59:32
    有 415 人按讚




    難得有時間在外面涼快拍照,雖然等了35分鐘,有種偷來半日閒的感覺~ 😎


    今早,網站大哥在更新網站時,就發現流量比平時高,他自己差點都無法登入。最早報名的,是3:41am。#頭香 👏









    Registration Form Off To Year End Holidays!

    It’s tough these days to be a Feng Shui master. Other than the ability to read the Luo Pan and analyse Bazi, we must also be skilled in taking selfies and endure other taking pics of us. 😅

    After a 6-month hiatus, this is my first foray back to Feng Shui audit. But alas, the client forgot the keys and rushed back home for it after apologising profusely.

    Its rare to have this pocket of time to take some photos in the windy breeze. Even though the wait was 35 minutes, it felt like a half day break for me 😎

    This 35-minute wait must be my retribution. This client waited for one year to see me.

    Early this morning, my web guy told me the traffic to my website was higher than usual while updating my pages. He almost couldn’t log in himself. The first registration form came it at 3:41am. #FirstSpot 👏🏼

    The registration form is closed now because looking at the numbers, my slots from November till February next year should be filled up.

    I personally reply to all your emails. Nobody else does it because this concerns your privacy. Now there are over 200 registrations for me to respond to.

    After everyone watched my FB Live, I am seeing more detailed information in the registration forms. Please allow me 48 hours, to go through each and every one of your outpouring and respond to you. Please remember to reply to me within 24 hours so that your slot won’t go to another one in the queue.

    I mentioned and wrote about this before, that those who had contacted my master before should not come look for me. I will not accept such cases. But there were still some who ignored my message. On one hand, you expressed your eagerness to see me, while on the other, you told Shifu that you felt more affinity towards him, agreed with his views and not with mine. This seemed like the behaviour of a 2-headed snake. 🤥

    How would you have the chips to transform your destiny with such non-virtues? It would be wise to just engage my master.

    I thank everyone for your enthusiasm, registering for the last quarter of this Year of the Metal Rat. ❤️❤️❤️

    The registration will re-open come March 2021. Adios!

  • 八字命盤destiny 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-28 07:06:23
    有 244 人按讚

    【棋盤為地子為天:人生的棋局 #1】
    Your Life as A Game of Chess





















    Buddhism speaks of karma and the Law of Cause and Effect. In the Chinese Metaphysics art of Bazi, we talk about the favorable and unfavorable elements.

    The seeds you sowed in previous lives will bear fruits this lifetime. These intricacies are encoded in your Bazi, facial and bodily features.

    When a person is enjoying the fruits of virtues, such as success in his career, harmony in his family, crescendo in his health, positivity in his emotions, etc, he is bound to be surrounded by his favorable elements support his ascending fortunes.

    On the contrary, when one is reaping the fruits of his non-virtues, misfortunes abound such as a flagging career, broken family, ailing body, tormenting emotions, etc, he is held captive by his unfavorable elements. Like in a game of Chinese chess he is destined to lose, a check-mate will eventually push him into a trap of anxiety and hopelessness.

    In the art of Bazi, we seek to understand our destiny to plug the holes of misfortunes. Simply put, it is learning how to make use of our favorable elements as well as how to evade the unfavorable ones. In this way, we ride the waves of good fortune and avoid the rogue waves of misfortunes.

    Mr Jun Jie is a client from the USA whom I saw during the end of May. USA is the western country which I had the most clients for my Zoom consultations.

    Many of my clients inevitably choose their career path based on dollars and cents. But the high-paying career of Mr. A may not yield the same rewards for Mr B because their Bazi are different. Therefore, please do not follow another blindly.

    Mr Jun Jie is one who has a strong opinion about his own career choice. During the Zoom session, I told him many truths of his Bazi, and advised him what he can and cannot do, with my explanation.

    Five months on, I received a thank-you email from him. I learnt, with much surprise, that he had made a wise choice. After all, he is an opinionated person and definitely not someone who changes his mind easily. 😄

    At this juncture, I would like to thank Mr Jun Jie for sharing his experience to encourage those who might be facing uncertainties in their own game of life.

    A common question I get: How do we transform our destiny?

    My simple answer: Wisdom.

    You must first possess the wisdom and awareness that your destiny is not set in stone. Then, you seek out the real military adviser, who can help you make decisive moves to save yourself from certain defeats and emerge victorious in life.

    Life is like a game of chess. Victory is often achieved with wisdom, guts and perseverance.

    You are the chess player, and I am your strategist.