

在 免費英文課程產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Yourator數位人才媒合平台,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ✦ 全球領先 AI/AR 虛擬彩妝科技公司 如果你... ▸ 對於 AI 智慧臉部偵測技術有興趣 ▸ 想參與開發 APP 的總下載量已突破 8.5 億次的專案 ▸ 想與國際接軌,和來自全世界的合作夥伴協作 ✦ 玩美移動會是你最好的選擇! 立刻投遞 ➜ https://yourator.pse....

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過582的網紅Australialife 澳洲小夫妻,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我想這是我們成為澳洲Pr享受到的第一個福利吧~ 政府為了要讓我們更適應澳洲的生活其實不只提供免費的英文課程 TAFE也有很多其他很便宜的課程去學一技之長 今天的影片是介紹CEP(Certificate in English Proficiency) 簡單的介紹澳洲英文課上課的內容、學校的環境 沒想...

免費英文課程 在 彎彎 Wan Wan Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-08 09:29:07

🤭以前就覺得英文很重要,所以希望自己的小孩能夠多多接觸英文學習,同時也希望能有個好的開始,可以讓他們對英文學習不害怕,更重要的是學了要懂得活用! 其實學校就會學到英文了,但我覺得還需要幫小孩找到可以練習口說應用的學習方式,不是學到了卻不會講也不知道怎麼用啊! 所以最近使用了英文線上課程,讓圓仔在家...

免費英文課程 在 澳洲小夫妻??澳洲人蔘 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-18 20:40:55

#一年將近台幣30萬的澳洲免費英文課,你知道嗎?⁣ ⁣ 我想這是我們成為澳洲Pr享受到的第一個福利吧~ (繳了那麼多稅終於~🤣)⁣ 政府為了要讓我們更適應澳洲的生活⁣ 其實不只提供免費的英文課程⁣ TAFE也有很多其他很便宜的課程去學一技之長⁣ ⁣ 今天的影片是介紹CEP(Certificate i...

免費英文課程 在 林巧子?Cheryl✖️Ciaociao Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-04-28 15:59:39

想要英文變好嗎?快來一起參加零元挑戰!(❤️文末抽獎,英文變好就靠這次了!)   巧子很推的自學英文課程,HERO推出了 👍第五屆零元挑戰活動👍只要在8/22前購課,在限時內完成課程+複習,購課金就全額退還(也太好了!根本等於免費,因為買了課程本來就要認真學呀❤️)   Q. VoiceT...

  • 免費英文課程 在 Yourator數位人才媒合平台 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-22 21:40:01
    有 7 人按讚

    ✦ 全球領先 AI/AR 虛擬彩妝科技公司

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    ▸ 想與國際接軌,和來自全世界的合作夥伴協作
    ✦ 玩美移動會是你最好的選擇!

    立刻投遞 ➜ https://yourator.pse.is/3j4a44

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  • 免費英文課程 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-17 23:10:21
    有 285 人按讚


    It's difficult to focus on anything during this outbreak. Many of us feel lost, angry, or hopeless. Will our families be safe? What will happen to us? Will Taiwan be ok?



    The desperate search for answers is a natural way to seek out stability and control. However, in the face of the global pandemic, there is just so much out of our control, and seeking to find these impossible solutions often leaves us feeling helpless.



    A way out of such helplessness is figuring out what you CANNOT and CAN control. When you are upset about things you have no control over, take a few deep breaths, and be mindful of what's stressing you out.

    Then, focus on things WITHIN YOUR CONTROL and work to solve these problems. This will provide you with a sense of agency and reinvigorate you to tackle the next problem. Do not try to solve all your problems at once. Sort them out and break them down. Conquer them one at a time with the smallest task first.



    The pandemic is not a blessing in disguise. It is a global catastrophe, plain and simple. But that does not mean we have to feel helpless all day. We can all fight back in our own ways. For all of us, it's taking preventive measures, but we can also work on self-improvement.



    Below is a list of free online courses that can help you continue to learn. Do you want to practice your English conversation skills? Learn how to code? Or take organic chemistry (no one really wants to take org chem)? Take these classes with your friends and classmates. Learn together and achieve your goals step by step with your peers!

    以下是一份免費線上課程連結的清單,它能幫助你繼續學習。想要練習會話技巧?想學寫程式? 或想上有機化學課(沒人會真的想上有機化學)?與朋友、同學們一起上課,一起學習並按步就班實現你的目標!


    It's ok to feel helpless at times, but know that you can gradually take charge. Time to study and make a change.



    📖 耶魯「快樂學」線上課程

    📖 全球名校免費線上課程 (MOOCs)

    📖 免費英文課程

    📖 TESOL課程

    📖 英文學習資源大全

    📖 學習的動力

    📖 學習如何學習


    圖片出處: https://nyti.ms/3w0oaOa

  • 免費英文課程 在 Yourator數位人才媒合平台 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-28 21:27:01
    有 7 人按讚

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  • 免費英文課程 在 Australialife 澳洲小夫妻 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-08 18:15:25


    今天的影片是介紹CEP(Certificate in English Proficiency)



    🎉澳洲生活日常 IG👇


    Music Credit:
    Island by Declan DP
    Watch: https://youtu.be/kJpA9qD-_C0
    License: http://www.declandp.info/license
    Download/Stream: https://hypeddit.com/link/ngviq9

    Fresh Start by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
    Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_fresh-start
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/XN-tBgJ5CVw

  • 免費英文課程 在 九粒Jolie 你的英文Bestie Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-02-05 10:20:42

    Sorry I took so long to upload this, but been crazy these couple of months which I will do an update video soon hehe
    Can't wait to tell you all about it!!! Now go check out the link below!!

    【thank u, next】完整版▶ http://bit.ly/2GcMLIY
    ❝快來體驗線上英語家教學一波!❞ http://bit.ly/2J0lZms

    ★加入福利講堂Facebook最新活動搶先看▶ https://goo.gl/BmYB11
    ★追蹤福利講堂Instagram看限時動態學英文▶ https://goo.gl/cxKpXU
    ★輕鬆在線上學英文▶ https://goo.gl/emqUye

  • 免費英文課程 在 Uncle Siu Youtube 的精選貼文

    2012-01-11 19:54:24



    Well, trust me. I would love to be with you all the time, but I just don't wanna "blunt the fine point of seldom pleasure".



    So am I as the rich, whose blessed key,
    Can bring him to his sweet up-locked treasure,
    The which he will not every hour survey,
    For blunting the fine point of seldom pleasure.

    Therefore are feasts so solemn and so rare,
    Since, seldom coming in the long year set,
    Like stones of worth they thinly placed are,
    Or captain jewels in the carcanet.

    So is the time that keeps you as my chest,
    Or as the wardrobe which the robe doth hide,
    To make some special instant special-blest,
    By new unfolding his imprisoned pride.

    Blessed are you whose worthiness gives scope,
    Being had, to triumph, being lacked, to hope.


    Sometimes I feel like a rich man who has to refrain from looking at his treasure all the time, because he fears that would blunt the pleasure of rare viewing. In the same way, jewels are rare and feasts infrequent, so that we would cherish them more.

    The time that keeps you away from me is the chest that I keep you in. It's like the wardrobe that conceals my beautiful clothes - open only to make special occasions even more special, by setting free my imprisoned pride.

    You are so precious, that when you're with me, I triumph; when you're not, I crave.



