

在 傳媒邀請函產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過20萬的網紅香港舊照片 - oldhkphoto.com,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 今晚九點! Tonight at!Translated 【緊急採訪通知】 致各大傳媒機構、採訪主任、編輯及記者: 民間記者會傳媒邀請函 民間記者會主題為:重申「五大訴求,缺一不可」。團隊希望拆穿林鄭月娥謊話,提醒大眾市民小心騙案,「齊上齊落」,共勉繼續走。 現誠邀 貴機構派員出...

傳媒邀請函 在 游大東 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-16 22:50:59

【 搶先報道/簡慕華10年來首次在港出席品牌活動 】 _ 香港電視史上首套BL連續劇《大叔的愛》剛於上周五(16/7)播畢大結局,最後五集平均直播收視高達7.9點,創ViuTV自2016年開台以來自製劇最高收視紀錄,而劇中一眾演員,包括三位MIRROR成員:呂爵安(Edan)、盧瀚霆(Anson L...

傳媒邀請函 在 游大東 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-08 20:31:02

【 港版《大叔的愛》演出陣容落實 】 _ 傳聞已久的首套港產BL劇《大叔的愛》,已於上月開拍,ViuTV亦安排全劇演員於周一(8/2)下午會見傳媒,並在facebook專頁首度公開角色造型照。 _ 參考電視台發出的記者會邀請函,發現今次陣容頗有驚喜。配對tv asahi製作的《大叔的愛》(おっさんす...

  • 傳媒邀請函 在 香港舊照片 - oldhkphoto.com Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-09-04 20:05:05
    有 754 人按讚

    Tonight at!Translated




    現誠邀 貴機構派員出席採訪,詳情如下:


    記者會後將設有問答環節,有興趣進場採訪的媒體可以於 晚上8點30分或之前,以電話 / Whatsapp(94377274)、電郵(pr640212@gmail.com )或Telegram(@pr640212) 覆示,以便安排。

    如有查詢,請聯絡金先生 (電話:94377274)。謝謝

    金先生 謹啟
    2019 年 9 月 4 日

    Dear Members of the Press,

    Re: Invitation to Citizens’ Press Conference on 4th September 2019

    The 9th Citizens' Press Conference will concern the topic “Five Demands, Not One Less”. We would like to debunk the lies and disinformation Carrie Lam’s government seeks to spread. We also want to remind Hong Kongers to be cautious of her attempts to divide and distract, as well to encourage each other to continue in our fight.

    We hereby cordially invite your organisation to attend our press conference. The details of the event are as follows:

    Date: 4th September 2019
    Time: 21:00

    There will be a question-and-answer session at the end of the press conference. In view of the limited capacity of the venue, should you wish to attend the press conference, we would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance by contacting our representative by 8.30p.m. today with your completed details as stipulated in the appendix to this correspondence.

    Telephone: 94377274
    Email: pr640212@gmail.com

    Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our representative with information as stated above. Thank you for your kind attention.

    Yours faithfully,
    Citizens’ Press Conference

