
為什麼這篇倫敦地鐵列車鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在倫敦地鐵列車這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者ecpoem (CK101)看板MRT標題[新聞] (BBC)(倫敦)地鐵大都會線引進空調列車時...

※ [本文轉錄自 Railway 看板 #1CLyYtWA ]

作者: ecpoem (CK101) 看板: Railway
標題: [BBC] (倫敦)地鐵大都會線引進空調列車
時間: Tue Aug 3 15:43:47 2010

Metropolitan Line air-conditioned Tube trains launched
2 August 2010 Last updated at 10:09 GMT

The first air-conditioned Tube train has gone into service on the
London Underground. The train, which will be used on the Metropolitan
Line, is the first of a 191-strong fleet of new trains. Transport for
London (TfL) plans to roll the air-conditioned trains out across 40%
of the network by 2015.

車,是在 191列新列車中的第一列。倫敦交通局預計在2015年前,地鐵將有 40%

The train set off from north London's Wembley Park station at
about 1030 BST on Monday. London Mayor Boris Johnson was due to attend
the launch. The introduction of the new trains to the Metropolitan
Line is due to be completed by the end of 2011. Air-conditioned trains
will be introduced to the Circle Line, the Hammersmith & City Line,
and finally the District Line, by 2015.

這列車預計星期一早上 10:30從Wembley Park站出發。倫敦市長詹森將會出

Budget cut

The total cost of the new trains will be £1.5bn, TfL said. The
budget to cool Tube carriages on the London Underground was slashed by
£10m in July as part of TfL cutbacks. The budget to cool Tube
carriages on the London Underground was slashed by £10m in July as
part of TfL cutbacks. However, TfL said the introduction of new trains
would not be affected by this budget cut.

The mayor's office said cooling the network was still a priority
but it had to ensure it was getting value for money as part of the
network upgrade.

A heat map that monitored the London Underground on 28 July 2008 - one
of the hottest days of the year - found the Central Line was the
hottest, with temperatures of up to 32C (90F). The Metropolitan Line
recorded temperatures of up to 27C (81F). The Jubilee Line was
significantly cooler with most stations recording temperatures of 25C

在2008年 7月28日,該年最熱的其中一天,地鐵路網中氣溫最高的是中央線,達

1996.10.31.光華號特快車DR2700型行駛30週年紀念 40DR2701 光華號 往石牌
1998. 6. 9.慶祝CK101蒸氣機車復活行駛 CK101
1998. 7.16.淡水線鐵路停駛十週年紀念
2001. 8.25.慶祝淡水線鐵路通車百週年

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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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eddisontw:所以本來倫敦地鐵沒空調?? 是像早期火車那樣用電風扇嗎? 08/03 16:00
chewie:呃 無空調列車...冬天時也沒暖氣嘛? 歐陸暖氣應該比冷氣重 08/03 16:01
chewie:要多了(雖然近年來冷氣也逐漸有需求了) 08/03 16:01
stanley10:閃字看了很不舒服 08/03 16:02
※ 編輯: ecpoem 來自: (08/03 16:11)
Whiskas:冬天椅子下有暖氣 不過車內沒有任何的送風系統 08/03 17:04
Whiskas:通風只能靠被動式的通風口 08/03 17:04
chewie:感謝 那這裡的Air condition應該是指冷氣部分了 08/03 17:08
starbuckser0:小小挑一下,倫敦不是歐陸呀 08/03 18:38
PCby:倫敦地鐵熱到冬天不用暖氣也可以,現在夏天悶爆了,也沒電扇 08/03 20:03
ctwsine:好事一樁 不然每次都要站在車廂間小窗旁才不會缺氧... 08/03 21:55
traystien:因為車子空間太小(配合兩百多年前的隧道)塞不下冷氣機 08/03 22:19
volkyrie:終於...以前夏天出來會黑黑的...都是灰 08/03 22:25
vestinland:不會吧,我離開英國十幾年了黑線還是沒空調,以前最不喜 08/03 22:49
vestinland:歡這條,真的很悶,要涼一點只能在車廂連結處有一個小窗 08/03 22:50
vestinland:送風(當時這線車廂間像木柵線一樣不能互通),坐完一定流 08/03 22:52
vestinland:汗,不過這線好處是班次超密集XD 08/03 22:52
babaer:因為早年歐洲地鐵不需要空調,近年來因為氣候變遷才有需要 08/03 22:54
babaer:之前去維也納,地鐵是新車舊車混著派車,運氣好才有冷氣XD 08/03 22:55
vestinland:對呀,說真的倫敦只要超過25度體感就覺得很熱了,維也納 08/03 22:57
vestinland:應該20就能穿短袖了吧 08/03 22:57
ecpoem:2009年坐到的倫敦地鐵各車廂還是不能互通 08/03 23:05
ybuc:倫敦緯度相當於哈爾濱,以前不需要冷氣還蠻合理的 08/04 00:58
abc0:兩百多年的隧道? 倫敦地鐵不是才一百多年? 08/04 02:11
traystien:對耶 1863~ 所以是接近一百五十年前 寫錯了 08/04 03:13
Killercat:被砍一千萬英鎊聽起來好多....可是原來預算十五億 XD 08/04 03:42

