

在 倆人旅店早餐產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過11萬的網紅Aiko愛可。愛生活,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 倆人旅店的早餐吃起來普通,但可以自製鬆餅又覺得挺不錯,退房後肯吉帶我去心心念念的士東市場,據說這邊有很好吃的眷村麵!!! 一進到士大市場根本劉姥姥逛大觀園,裡面根本已經不像傳統市場了,不只超乾淨有冷氣外,攤商都還好有設計感,蔬果疊得像歐洲露天市集,還有好多咖啡小攤跟花店,根本不是菜市場,是文青市集...

倆人旅店早餐 在 Eun̆̈ic̆̈e ✨? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-07-09 03:27:54

趁著男友一滴滴滴空閒時間,很久沒有好好倆人一起輕旅行,馬上就決定要去宜蘭。 - 行程也很隨性;飯店訂好一點,本來就想在房間裡耍廢~宜蘭的民宿多到數不清,很有名的呆宅、旅樹⋯早就訂到年底了,本來還有訂了一間阡陌五房,後來還是因為這邊整片的落地窗很吸引我。配合旅遊補助又是平日去,還付下午茶跟早餐;房價很...

倆人旅店早餐 在 旅人筆記(K & Vicky) Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-11 17:12:56

貢丸米粉湯Rice Noodle Soup with Meat ball, Mushroom, Vegetables. 自助早餐Buffet Breakfast The Hotel Double One is located at No. 11, Youya Road, Beitou. It lo...

  • 倆人旅店早餐 在 Aiko愛可。愛生活 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-02 14:08:41
    有 341 人按讚









    Aiko Chiu 肯吉。好爹日常

  • 倆人旅店早餐 在 旅人筆記wemedia.tw Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-11-06 14:59:01
    有 117 人按讚

    貢丸米粉湯Rice Noodle Soup with Meat ball, Mushroom, Vegetables.
    自助早餐Buffet Breakfast

    The Hotel Double One is located at No. 11, Youya Road, Beitou. It looks like two people because of the "11" image. Therefore, the hotel is named after "Hotel Double One". Due to the well-known Beitou hot spring area, I hope every visitor to visit will be able to unload all the crowds, release all the restraints, and immerse themselves in the steaming hot spring pool. Fragrant.

    The hotel is a three-story ground floor, a basement of the building, a total of 25 all kinds of rooms and a restaurant. Designed by well-known designer Li Weimin, the design focuses on creating a vibrant atmosphere with distinct colors and creating a romantic atmosphere in simplicity. It creates a different style from other Beitou Hotspring hotels, allowing visitors to visit different places from the past Visual feast.

    Come to the "Match" Restaurant at 1F Hotel, where you can enjoy light, healthy, organic and beautiful facial expressions in an open and spacious dining environment in a stylish and minimalistic space. , Beauty and other considerations, the introduction of specific meals and hot and cold drinks, the health of the body more bonus points. In the "Match" restaurant, the menu design is based on the interactive "Two-person Pot Set". In addition to the chef's appetizer and salads, Top Angus beef, and the top Matsusaka pork slices, light shampoo the pink meat, eat sweet tooth.




    #倆人旅店(立德北投溫泉飯店) Hotel Double One

    #旅店 #飯店 #溫泉飯店 #Hotel #泡湯 #火鍋 #涮涮鍋 #hotpot #約會餐廳
    #台灣美食 #台北美食 #北投溫泉 #溫泉 #spring
    #旅人 #旅人筆記 #traveler #Traveller #wemedia

  • 倆人旅店早餐 在 我愛小貝凱 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2014-01-27 00:34:44
    有 42 人按讚

    本週末我們下榻的地方。溫泉的一級戰區。幸福的倆人旅店,8.5 坪最小的濃情套房,含早餐 $ 5,200。 好超值!
