

在 修理英文fix產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,076的網紅Bikepacker Min - 單車背包客,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【素人推薦文-我的單車贊助商】 因為,瓦倫的放上來了,所以當然也要把其他人的也放上來。我一直到旅程結束,才發現有一大群美國人,努力的看著我超爛的英文部落格到最後。我才知道,原來當年Specialized的大型會議上,都少不了我故事的分享。而追踪我故事的人,竟然還有職業的車手! 所以呢~這一切都要...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅吉娜英文,也在其Youtube影片中提到,加入吉娜英文FB 粉絲頁 學習更多美式口語英文 https://www.facebook.com/wordsgo/ 名詞複數的課程,我整理了七個重點,涵蓋字尾加上s的規則和發音。網路上已經有很多規則的資料,這支影片我會著重在發音的教學上。英文單字字尾加上s的變化,不是只有複數的狀況,還有動詞和所...

  • 修理英文fix 在 Bikepacker Min - 單車背包客 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-10 09:30:53
    有 177 人按讚



    所以呢~這一切都要感謝給我單車,以及一路不斷播報我的故事的Scott。以下是他給我的文案(也是兩年前就給我了...😂😂😂) (以下是我的翻譯,原文可以往下跳到最後)







    -Scott Stroot (美商斯貝特自行車 戰略市場開發經理)



    It’s not often you are able to be directly connected to something as special as someone riding a bicycle halfway around the world. I’ll forever appreciate that Min and I were connected and I was able to be part of her journey.
    When Min first reached out to me and explained her plan to ride a bike from Germany to Taiwan, I thought she was crazy. But, she stuck through it, all the way to the end. She had no formal training, she had no knowledge of how to fix her bike, she had nobody she was doing the ride with and she didn’t even seem to have a real plan. When I realized how serious she was about doing the ride, I knew she’d make it. She just had that confidence in her. Like, not every day will go as planned and there might be some really scary days, but I’ll make it.
    I’ll be honest, when Min told me who she was and what she was about to do, I didn’t think she’d go through with the trip. I figured I’d get an email from her saying she couldn’t deal with the cold anymore, or the people were mean, or the bike broke, or she was hurting too bad, or any number of other things. I figured the tone would be that of happiness that she was home but unsatisfied with the trip not being completed. I would not have thought any different of her honestly. Once she set off, she had solidified herself as one of the most daring people I would ever meet.
    You can’t really describe someone like Min. Words don’t do what she did justice.
    One more thing, Min. Thank You! Thank you for letting me be part of your journey, thank you for reminding me daily that it’s good to just GO FOR IT sometimes, even if you don’t have the “training.” Thank you for reminding me that while some days will be really hard, always keep moving towards your goals. Thank you for reminding me that whenever something is scary, life has a way of working itself out. And, most of all, thank you for reminding me what life is all about...living every day to its fullest and maximizing each and every day.

    -Scott Stroot (Specialized Bicycle Components Strategic Market Development Manager)

  • 修理英文fix 在 吉娜英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-12-26 21:35:42
    有 46 人按讚


    單字字尾 s, sh, ch, x, z + es 發音[ɪz]
    1. 單字字尾 s + es
    (1) bus 公車 - buses
    (2) kiss 親吻 - kisses
    (3) glass 玻璃杯 - glasses
    (4) dress 洋裝 - dresses

    2. 單字字尾 sh + es
    (1) dish 盤子 - dishes
    (2) wish 願望 - wishes
    (3) wash 洗 - washes
    (4) brush 刷子 - brushes

    3. 單字字尾 ch + es
    (1) watch 手錶 - watches
    (2) peach 水蜜桃 - peaches
    (3) church 教堂 - churches
    (4) teach 教書 - teaches

    4. 單字字尾 x + es
    (1) box 盒子 - boxes
    (2) fox 狐狸 - foxes
    (3) fix 修理 - fixes
    (4) mix 混合 - mixes

    5. 單字字尾 z + es
    (1) buzz 嗡嗡聲 - buzzes
    (2) quiz 小考 - quizzes

    (1) city 城市 - cities
    (2) cherry 櫻桃 - cherries
    (3) study 研讀 -studies
    (4) dictionary 字典 - dictionaries

    單字字尾o + s / es
    (1) potato 馬鈴薯 - potatoes
    (2) mango 芒果 -mangoes
    (3) zoo 動物園 - zoos
    (4) photo 照片- photos

    單字字尾f/fe + s 或是去掉f/fe加上ves
    (1) chief 首領 - chiefs
    (2) roof 屋頂 - roofs
    (3) knife 刀 - knives
    (4) thief 小偷 - thieves

    單字字尾發音 [ʒ] 和 [dʒ] 加上的s,發音[ɪz]
    (1) garage [gəˋrɑʒ] n. 車庫
    複數:garages [gəˋrɑdʒɪz]
    (2) orange [ˋɔrɪndʒ] n. 柳橙
    複數:oranges [ˋɔrɪndʒɪz]
    (3) bridge [brɪdʒ] n. 橋
    複數:bridges [ˋbrɪdʒɪz]
    (4) language [ˋlæŋgwɪdʒ] n. 語言
    複數:languages [ˋlæŋgwɪdʒɪz]


  • 修理英文fix 在 屁寶少爺。女僕。男傭 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-05-05 11:48:13
    有 23 人按讚

    [2017.05.04] (3y5m) 第5次英文語言治療



    練習短句👉girl colors the drawing. Boy watches TV.
    Which rocket do you want?
    One landed right by me and one landed next to the door.
    You said your sentences with Miss Stephane and you get ur smile face.
    We r not all done yet.
    When you get your three smile faces, you can play with cars.
    We work on our smile.
    How about we don't kiss our hand?
    thats yuckie~
    You did such a great job with your smile face today.
    Don't do that sweety!
    Oh no yellow again, come on green or blue!
    You are tricking me.
    Let's see what is the last color will be.
    Can you help to put our puppies back to the dog house?
    First you get your happy face because you say our words with me when we earn our last happy face then we can play that racing cars. (你得先和我一起說單字得到笑臉然後才能玩賽車)

    The end. You did a really great job to read with me.
    (結束. 你好棒和我一起讀書)

    Miss stephine will fix the wheels.
    The wheels is coming off.
    Up up up and down down down.
    wow crash....vroom the car says shh I am sleeping.
    (喔..撞車了.. 車車說我要睡覺了!)
    bee bee i got you! those go up! oh no crash oh no!
    (逼逼 我追到你了~他們往上 噢不 不要撞車 喔不XD)
    Where are they going?
    The helicopter says wait for me/wake up.
    I need some gas before i can race.
    He says i follow you. I see you in the window.
    (他說我跟著你 我看到你在窗戶裡了)
    Don't get me! Dont get me!
    Hurry hurry run hurry!
    Are there going to park?
    He is driving on the curb.
    Please dont do that!
    oh no! He is going backwards.
    Watch out! here comes!
    You have couple more mins and we clean up!
    Can u help miss stephine to clean up?
    How about to let your car go down the ramp and we all done?
    We r all done to our one more time.

  • 修理英文fix 在 吉娜英文 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-12-26 21:29:45

    加入吉娜英文FB 粉絲頁


    單字字尾 s, sh, ch, x, z + es 發音[ɪz]
    1. 單字字尾 s + es
    (1) bus 公車 - buses
    (2) kiss 親吻 - kisses
    (3) glass 玻璃杯 - glasses
    (4) dress 洋裝 - dresses

    2. 單字字尾 sh + es
    (1) dish 盤子 - dishes
    (2) wish 願望 - wishes
    (3) wash 洗 - washes
    (4) brush 刷子 - brushes

    3. 單字字尾 ch + es
    (1) watch 手錶 - watches
    (2) peach 水蜜桃 - peaches
    (3) church 教堂 - churches
    (4) teach 教書 - teaches

    4. 單字字尾 x + es
    (1) box 盒子 - boxes
    (2) fox 狐狸 - foxes
    (3) fix 修理 - fixes
    (4) mix 混合 - mixes

    5. 單字字尾 z + es
    (1) buzz 嗡嗡聲 - buzzes
    (2) quiz 小考 - quizzes

    (1) city 城市 - cities
    (2) cherry 櫻桃 - cherries
    (3) study 研讀 -studies
    (4) dictionary 字典 - dictionaries

    單字字尾o + s / es
    (1) potato 馬鈴薯 - potatoes
    (2) mango 芒果 -mangoes
    (3) zoo 動物園 - zoos
    (4) photo 照片- photos

    單字字尾f/fe + s 或是去掉f/fe加上ves
    (1) chief 首領 - chiefs
    (2) roof 屋頂 - roofs
    (3) knife 刀 - knives
    (4) thief 小偷 - thieves

    單字字尾發音 [ʒ] 和 [dʒ] 加上的s,發音[ɪz]
    (1) garage [gəˋrɑʒ] n. 車庫
    複數:garages [gəˋrɑdʒɪz]
    (2) orange [ˋɔrɪndʒ] n. 柳橙
    複數:oranges [ˋɔrɪndʒɪz]
    (3) bridge [brɪdʒ] n. 橋
    複數:bridges [ˋbrɪdʒɪz]
    (4) language [ˋlæŋgwɪdʒ] n. 語言
    複數:languages [ˋlæŋgwɪdʒɪz]

