

在 保能痔療程產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 大概就是今年過年後(好像是3月)我跑去試了人生第一次皮秒。 動機是什麼哩?就是我發現聊著聊著,其實大家都有在打耶!我觀察這些固定打皮秒或淨膚的朋友,皮膚還真的都很好~ 就這樣萌生了不然我也試試看的念頭。 因為是第一次,想說還是要挑有聽過的打,就預約了台南小西門對面的 #星和診所 ,選這個點只因為...

保能痔療程 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-04 03:06:27

【火燒後欄】你有辣到小菊花的經驗嗎? ⭐延續昨天麻辣火鍋的餘辣 ⭐有痔瘡的話情況更慘烈 #星期六隻眼閉 吃辣爽,菊花殘? 身邊有沒有無辣不歡的朋友?三不五時便吃麻辣火鍋,甚至外出都要隨身自備辣油,為每一餐加添「滋味」?吃過一頓超辣的麻辣火鍋過後,第二天上廁所時連肛門都有火辣辣的感覺,其實是因為辣...

保能痔療程 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-05-04 03:06:27

【了解血便】大便有血成因眾多 ⭐痔瘡大腸癌都有可能 ⭐大人小朋友都有機會出現 #星期三CheckCheckMail 大便有血是大腸癌? 成叔:「看了網上資訊說大便有血是大腸癌先兆,我剛剛大便有血怎麼辦?」 CheckCheckCin:先保持冷靜,大便有血成因很多,要先了解大便狀況,包括次數、...

保能痔療程 在 Karen Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-02 00:26:01

努力保養皮膚,努力做運動之餘,年紀漸大,都要補充膠原蛋白。來自馬來西亞生產的成分天然,產品功效經臨床實證,除了可以美肌美白外,更可以豐胸😱, ✅ 增加乳房組織,從而加強整體乳房結構的堅實 ✅舒緩經前綜合症(PWS)的症狀 ✅維持身體內膠原蛋白,延緩衰老 ✅減少皮膚疾病,痔瘡及皺紋 ✅增加皮膚水份 ✅...

  • 保能痔療程 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-08 19:01:18
    有 64 人按讚


    動機是什麼哩?就是我發現聊著聊著,其實大家都有在打耶!我觀察這些固定打皮秒或淨膚的朋友,皮膚還真的都很好~ 就這樣萌生了不然我也試試看的念頭。

    因為是第一次,想說還是要挑有聽過的打,就預約了台南小西門對面的 #星和診所 ,選這個點只因為兩邊都有停車格,然後院長是女生!實不實際?

    進去後完全覺得,這年頭做醫美的人還真是多啊~ 到底我是在荒廢什麼?是不是因為我太窮了呢 😂😂 自己默默去旁邊翻皮夾 (誤)


    姐我雖然都是自然產,第二胎還沒打無痛!(三不五時都要炫耀一下) 但老實說,我更怕雷射這種小的、密集的皮肉痛(很有事吧,拿陣痛跟皮秒比,笑死)所以在溝通上,我說:第一次我先想試試看自己能不能承受得住,我打輕的(保養型)就好!就沒有選療程型比較重口味的打法。然後我就進去洗臉卸妝、上麻藥、等著被打啦~

    實際感覺還是痛啊,但還在可以忍受的範圍。打完前兩天最紅,我的皮膚還會有一點乾癢,有兩三個地方像是蚊子叮那樣『疱癢』(油~我又想到一個被蚊子疱癢的新梗了) 但是,每個人狀況都不太一樣,也不是說我會癢妳就會癢啦~

    重要的是過了一週兩週後,感覺怎麼樣呢?其實還可以哩!那陣子毛孔好像真的有變小!但妳說多大改變,我才做一次,沒這麼厲害好嗎... 還要再多試幾次才知道,不能先說大話!

    總之呢,等我準備好,我是會想再試第二次皮秒的~ 也許第二次效果會更顯著吧 (?!)




  • 保能痔療程 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-01 08:33:42
    有 194 人按讚





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    Have a burning sensation in the rear after eating spicy food?
    Do you have friends who cannot live without spicy food? Would they regularly indulge in spicy hot pot and bring along a bottle of chili oil to spice up their meals?

    After a night of spicy hot pot, we can feel a burning sensation in the rectum when we visit the toilet. This is because the human body cannot completely absorb or neutralize capsaicin from the hot pot.. Bowel movements will then transport capsaicin down to the intestines, and this is why we can feel a burning sensation in the rectum when we excrete the waste.

    Though the burning sensation will not have a direct impact on the body, Chinese physicians believe spiciness can disperse stasis, improve circulation of the qi and blood, dispel cold, and induce sweating. Hence, it can exhaust the qi and the blood, further aggravating the heat condition of the body. Therefore, individuals with qi stagnation, blood stasis, damp heat, and yin-deficient body constitutions should avoid eating spicy food.

    Upon consuming spicy food, many people would develop two extreme reactions: diarrhea or constipation. This is because spiciness is oil-soluble, and this is also why a large amount of oil is always used to cook spicy food. As a result, individuals with a weak spleen and stomach will experience diarrhea because they cannot digest greasy food.

    Besides, eating spicy food can cause heat to accumulate, and this will exhaust the fluid in the body, causing stool to turn hard and lead to constipation. Therefore, it is important not to consume spicy food excessively.

    Tea remedy to clear heat, dispel dampness and relieve diarrhea: Stir-fried hyacinth bean tea with coix seed
    Effects: Strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness. Clears heat and relieves diarrhea. Alleviates various symptoms caused by damp-heat-related diarrhea after eating, drinking, smoking or drinking, such as sticky stool, exceptionally bad odor, burning sensation in the anus following a bowel movement.
    Ingredients: 15g stir-fried hyacinth bean, 15g raw coix seeds,
    Preparation: rinse all ingredients. Combine all ingredients with 800ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Pour all contents into a thermos and tea can be re-brewed until flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Two weeks for a treatment.

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    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #濕熱 #腹瀉

  • 保能痔療程 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-28 18:03:02
    有 94 人按讚





    大便有血的確是大腸癌症狀之一,但這種出血有可能血量極少 ,根本無法用肉眼看得出來,需要接受相關化驗才能確認。如果你已經50歲或以上,可以進行大便隱血測試以了解更多。


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Blood in stool – a sign of colon cancer?
    “I read from the Internet stools that contain traces of blood is a symptom of colon cancer. And I recently realized there was blood in my stool. What should I do?”

    CheckCheckCin: We need to calm down and acknowledge that many factors might cause blood to appear in stool. Firstly, we need to observe frequency of bowel movement, the shape of our stool, and the bleeding condition.

    In general, the bright-red blood on dry and hard stool is due to fissures or small tears in the lining of the anus or hemorrhoids. If the blood looks dark or mixed with feces, there is a possibility that there is damage in the digestive tract.

    From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, damp heat, yin deficiency, and yang deficiency can cause blood to appear in stool. For instance, staying up late and having a hectic work schedule can cause the liver and kidney to experience yin deficiency, hence, causing dry stool to take shape. Other accompanying symptoms include dry mouth and throat, constantly feeling irritable and warm, insomnia and excessive dreaming. Drinking herbal tea that clears heat and nourishes the yin can relieve these symptoms.

    Spotting blood in stool can indeed be a symptom of colon cancer, but the volume of blood that is visible to the eye is minimal. One can only confirm his or her suspicion after going through a thorough checkup. If you are aged 50 and above, consider taking the fecal occult blood test to find out more.

    Pear and couch grass root tea with sophora
    Effects: Clears heat and cools blood. Relieves symptoms of blood in stool, dry mouth, sore throat, dry stool caused by asthenic heat.
    Ingredients: 4 pieces dried pear, 12g couch grass root, 6g sophora, honey to taste
    Preparation: Cut the ingredients into small pieces and place into thermos. Rinse once with hot water, add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes until aroma develops. This tea can be re-brewed until flavour weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Two weeks for a treatment.

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