在 保全護照補發產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅OOC,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Creamfields Taiwan 活動資訊出來了! 大家出發前別忘了看看~ 【Creamfields Taiwan 活動規範】 為確保各位能在Creamfields Taiwan 玩得安全又盡興, 請注意以下活動規範 1. 活動時間預計為2017年12月17日 13:30-22...
保全護照補發 在 OOC Facebook 的最佳解答
Creamfields Taiwan 活動資訊出來了!
【Creamfields Taiwan 活動規範】
為確保各位能在Creamfields Taiwan 玩得安全又盡興,
1. 活動時間預計為2017年12月17日 13:30-22:00,12:00開放入場,活動於22:00結束。活動期間全程開放入場。(實際演出時間,需以演出方時間為準)
2. 活動當日入場將進行證件查驗,請攜帶含可清楚辨識本人之照片的有效身分證明文件正本(身分證/健保卡/駕照/居留證),外籍人士請攜帶有效護照或居留證正本,未滿18歲均不得入場。
3. 入場前將有保全及工作人員檢查包包及進行搜身,請勿攜帶任何飲料、水、食物、已開封之菸、菸油、電子菸、傘類 (摺疊傘也不可攜帶入場)、旗桿、板凳、椅子。(自拍桿可攜帶入場)。依照民航局的要求,嚴禁攜帶氣球、空拍機、煙火、雷射筆,違法者民航局將依法開罰。
4. 請妥善保管活動票券。如發生遺失、破壞、燒毀或無法辨識等狀況,恕不補發或退換票券。
5. 憑票券於入口處兌換入場手環,入場後一律以手環辨識;如需中途離場,手環將折損並不得再次入場。活動會場內經查獲未配戴活動手環者,主辦單位保有強制驅離會場之權利。
6. 因場地規劃限制,活動當日將不提供寄物服務,隨身物品請妥善保管。
7. 本活動禁止攜帶任何易燃物品、槍械、刀械、棍棒、玻璃類等物品,並嚴禁攜帶、吸食、販賣任何管制藥品,活動現場將有警力維安,對於行為不當者(違法行為或嚴重妨礙其他消費者)將帶離至活動現場外,不得再入內。主辦單位保留驅離行為不當者之權利。
8. 本活動嚴禁使用哨子等發聲用具。
9. 活動現場將提供酒類飲品,無酒精飲品及熱食。
10. 現場除VVIP及周邊商品販賣區提供現金及刷卡服務,GA及VIP請於入場後購買COUPON兌換券於吧台及熟食攤位交易。COUPON兌換券不得找零,若毀損或無法識別亦不接受使用。
11. 活動現場內請理性飲酒,並遵守喝酒不開車,開車不喝酒之原則。
12. 活動現場內之週邊商品販售區提供現金交易及現場刷卡服務。
13. 現場分為VVIP/VIP/GA區域,持VVIP手環者可自由進出VVIP/VIP/GA區域,持VIP手環者可自由進出VIP及GA區。
14. 非主辦單位授權之活動紀錄攝影,請勿攜帶專業攝影器材進入活動場地。(數位相機、Go Pro及手機可以)
15. 請於購票前確認購票細節,請勿購買來路不明之票券,以免權益受損。主辦單位保留認定票券合法性之權利。未購票或持非當日門票入場者,經查獲將以現場票價雙倍金額補票。
16. 活動當日將販售少量GA現場票,票價金額為4,000元整。
To ensure everyone having a safe and happy time at Creamfields Taiwan, please be aware of the following rules:
1. Event time: 17th December 2017 1:30PM-10PM. Doors open at 12PM, show ends at 10PM.
People with ticket allowed to enter the venue during whole event time. DJ lineup in set time order, the organizer reserves the right to modify the show time.
2. According to government regulations, attendees under 18 or without an ID are not allowed to enter the venue. Please bring a valid identification hardcopy (National ID Card, Health Insurance Card, Driver’s license, Passport, Permit of Residence) for checkup. Foreigners please bring valid hardcopy of passport or permit of residence.
3. Professional security and staff will check backpacks and pockets before attendees entering the venue. (the organizer reserves the right to search all attendees) Outside food or drinks are strictly prohibited. Please do not bring any food, water, drinks, opened cigarette boxes, electronic cigarettes/vapes, vape liquids or oils, umbrellas (folding umbrellas are NOT allowed), flagpoles, benches, chairs. (Selfie sticks are allowed to bring into the venue) In accordance with Civil Aviation Authority regulations, balloons, drones, fireworks, and laser pointers are strictly prohibited at this event.
4. Please take care of your tickets. No ticket exchange or refund if lost, unrecognized or damaged.
5. Wristbands will be given at door and it’s a no re-entry event. Please take care of your wristband, once it broken or unrecognized are not allowed to enter the venue. Any attendees without event wristband will be forced to leave the venue by the organizers.
6. No lockers provided in the venue. Please take care of your personal belongings.
7. Please do not bring flammable stuff, guns, knives, sticks (selfie sticks excluded), glasses or any dangerous goods into the venue. Illegal drugs are strictly prohibited. In order to secure the safety of everyone at this event, there will be police officers patrolling in the venue. Any attendees with inappropriate behaviors (i.e. illegal activities or inappropriate actions/ behavior affected others ) needs to leave the venue immediately without re-entrance. We reserve the right to not provide our service to anyone who is out of control.
8. Whistles or other tools which might interrupt the show are not allowed to use during the event.
9. There’re many choices of alcohol, non-alcoholic drinks, hot food served at the venue.
10. Only VVIP and official merchandise area are allowed to pay by cash and credit card. In order to get food and drinks smoothly, attendees of GA and VIP area please purchase coupon tickets after entering the venue. Each coupon tickets is NTD 100. No exchange for the coupon tickets, once it broken or unrecognized are not allowed to use.
11. Please drink rationally and do not drive after drinking.
12. We take cash and credit cards for the official and authorized merchandise.
13. Attendees with VVIP wristbands are allowed to enter the VVIP, VIP and GA area; attendees with VIP wristbands are allowed to enter the VIP and GA area.
14. Non-authorized event recording/filming/photo shooting are not allowed. Please do not bring professional photography equipment to the venue. (Digital cameras,Go Pro and cell phones are welcomed.) We will produce an official aftermovie for the show.
15. Please do not purchase tickets from unknown sites and people. Anyone been caught by selling fake tickets will be handed over to the authorities. Anyone enter the venue without tickets or have tickets with wrong date will be charged double ticket price of the regular one.
16. Few GA Tickets will be sold at door.