
為什麼這篇低潮英文slump鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在低潮英文slump這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者wingmouse (風華亂舞)看板MLB標題Re: [情報] 一些棒球場上的名言佳句時間Fri...


: You gotta be a man to play baseball for a living, but you gotta have
: a lot of little boy in you, too.
: -Roy Campanella


: When you're in a slump, it's almost as if you look out at the field
: and it's one big glove.
: -Vance Law

當你低潮的時候,外野看起來就像一個超巨大的手套。 (當你有觀念時也是)

: Baseball is the only sport I know that when you're on offense, the
: other team controls the ball.
: -Ken Harrelson, Sports Illustrated, 6 September 1976


: If a horse can't eat it, I don't want to play on it.
: -Dick Allen, on artificial turf, 1970

如果馬不能吃,我就不想在上面打球。 (討厭人工草皮?)

: Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world.
: If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can't get
: you off.
: -Bill Veeck


: Baseball is the only place in life where a sacrifice is really
: appreciated.
: -Author Unknown

棒球是犧牲真正被讚揚的地方。 (真的嗎?那大家怎麼那麼討厭點點點...)

: I've come to the conclusion that the two most important things in life
: are good friends and a good bullpen.
: -Bob Lemon, 1981

我的結論:人生中最重要的是好朋友,和好的牛棚。 (Santana想必很認同)

: Sandy's fastball was so fast, some batters would start to swing as he
: was on his way to the mound.
: -Jim Murray, on Sandy Koufax


: I was such a dangerous hitter I even got intentional walks in batting
: practice.
: -Casey Stengel, 1967


: A critic once characterized baseball as six minutes of action crammed
: into two-and-one-half hours.
: -Ray Fitzgerald, in Boston Glove, 1970


: There have been only two geniuses in the world. Willie Mays and
: Willie Shakespeare.
: -Tallulah Bankhead

這世上曾有過兩個天才。Willie Mays跟威廉莎士比亞。(660 Hr,史上排名第四)

: Baseball fans love numbers. They love to swirl them around their
: mouths like Bordeaux wine.
: -Pat Conroy


: Baseball? It's just a game - as simple as a ball and a bat. Yet, as
: complex as the American spirit it symbolizes. It's a sport, business -
: and sometimes even religion.
: -Ernie Harwell,


: Why does everybody stand up and sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"
: when they're already there?
: -Larry Anderson

為什麼已經在球場中的人要高唱 "帶我去看球賽"?

: I have discovered in twenty years of moving around a ball park, that
: the knowledge of the game is usually in inverse proportion to the
: price of the seats.
: -Bill Veeck


: I became a good pitcher when I stopped trying to make them miss the
: ball and started trying to make them hit it.
: -Sandy Koufax


: Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing.
: -Warren Spahn


: Don't forget to swing hard, in case you hit the ball.
: -Woodie Held

別忘記要隨時奮力一擊,以防你不小心打中球。 (Sexson的信念??)

: A baseball game is twice as much fun if you're seeing it on the
: company's time.
: -William C. Feather

在公司偷看球賽有兩倍的樂趣。 (這次奧運應該很多人很認同)

: Ninety feet between home plate and first base may be the closest man
: has ever come to perfection.
: -Red Smith

本壘板和一壘間的九十呎,也許是一個男人最接近完美的距離。 (Ichiro內安魂)

: The greatest feeling in the world is to win a major league game.
: The second-greatest feeling is to lose a major league game.
: -Chuck Tanner


: Baseball is a ballet without music. Drama without words.
: -Ernie Harwell

棒球是沒有音樂的芭蕾,沒有台詞的戲劇。 (所以常常有劇場?)

: You know you're pitching well when the batters look as bad as you do
: at the plate.
: -Duke Snider


: It actually giggles at you as it goes by.
: -Rick Monday, on Phil Niekro's knuckleball

當它經過的時候彷彿在嘲笑你。 (形容Phil Niekro的蝴蝶球)

: Baseball statistics are like a girl in a bikini. They show a lot, but
: not everything.
: -Toby Harrah, 1983


: Hating the New York Yankees is as American as apple pie, unwed
: mothers and cheating on your income tax.
: -Mike Royko


: Baseball is the only game left for people. To play basketball, you
: have to be 7 feet 6 inches. To play football, you have to be the same
: width.
: -Bill Veeck


: "You can't hit what you can't see."
: -Walter Johnson


: "Losing streaks are funny. If you lose at the beginning, you got off
: to a bad start. If you lose in the middle of the season, you're in a
: slump. If you lose at the end, you're choking."
: -Gene Mauch, Phillies manager


: "The best thing about being a Yankee is getting to watch Reggie Jackson
: play every day. The worst thing about being a Yankee? Getting to watch
: Reggie Jackson play every day."
: -Graig Nettles

當洋基球員最棒的是能看Reggie Jackson打球。最糟的也一樣。

: "You don't face Ryan without your rest. He's the only guy I go against
: that makes me go to bed before midnight."
: -Reggie Jackson


: "Throwing people out of a game is like learning to ride a bicycle -
: once you get the hang of it, it can be a lot of fun."
: -Ron Luciano, umpire

把人趕出球場就像學騎腳踏車。當你學會了,你會覺得超爽。 (某裁判名言@@) 

: "The hitter asks the owner to give him a big raise so he can go
: somewhere he's never been, and the owner says, 'You mean third base.'"
: -Henny Youngman, comedian


: "I don't want them to forget Ruth. I just want them to remember me!"
: -Hank Aaron

我沒有要他們忘了貝比魯斯。我只是要他們記得我! (漢克阿倫)

: "Umpire's heaven is a place where he works third base every game.
: Home is where the heartache is."
: -Ron Luciano, umpire


: "There were times last year when people looked at the scoreboard and
: thought my batting average was the temperature."
: -Buck Martinez, on his . 162 performance


: "If I had my career to play over, one thing I'd do differently is
: swing more. Those 1,200 walks I got - nobody remembers them."
: -Pee Wee Reese


: "The only people I ever felt intimidated by in my whole life were Bob
: Gibson and my daddy."
: -Dusty Baker

一生中曾經讓我感到害怕的人,是Bob Gibson和我老爸。

: "Fans don't boo nobodies."
: -Reggie Jackson


: "One of my goals in life was to be surrounded by unpretentious, rich
: young men. Then I bought the Braves and I was surrounded by
: twenty-five of them."
: -Ted Turner, owner


: "Baseball is dull only to dull minds." -Red Smith, sportswriter


: "I couldn't see well enough to play when I was a boy, so they gave me
: a special job - they made me the umpire."
: -Harry S. Truman, thirty-third president of the United States


: "The ball is smaller, the planets are in line, the hole in the ozone
: layer is bigger, and so is Juan Gonzalez."
: -Terry Mulholland, on why more home runs are being hit these days

球比地球小多了,Juan Gonzalez這個漏洞卻跟臭氧層破洞一樣大。

: "The only way I'm going to win a Gold Glove is with a can of spray
: paint."
: -Reggie Jackson, on his fielding skills

我想拿到金手套的唯一方法,是去弄一罐金色噴漆。(Reggie Jackson守備很差嗎?)

: "Most coaches remain anonymous until they screw up. If a third base
: coach goes the entire season without being interviewed after a game,
: it means he had a perfect season."
: -Jay Johnstone

那表示他有一個完美的球季。 (獻給紅中)

: "All I remember about my wedding day in 1967 is that the Cubs lost a
: double-header."
: -George F. Will


: "I swing big, with everything I've got. I hit big or I miss big. I
: like to live as big as I can."
: -Babe Ruth


: "Good pitching will always stop good hitting and vice-versa."
: -Casey Stengel, manager


: "I knew it would ruin my arm. But one year of 25-7 is worth five of 15-15."
: -Steve Stone, Orioles pitcher, on his Cy Young season


: "There is always some kid who may be seeing me for the first or last
: time. I owe him my best."
: -Joe DiMaggio


: "Any umpire who claims he has never missed a play is . . . well,
: an umpire."
: -Ron Luciano, umpire"


: "This winter I'm working out every day, throwing at a wall. I'm 11-0
: against the wall."
: -Jim Bouton


: "Baseball isn't keeping up with science. Satellites are sending accurate
: signals from outer space to earth, but coaches still have trouble
: transmitting signals from third base to home."
: -Ellis Clary


: "I talked to the ball a lot of times in my career. I yelled, 'Go foul. Go
: foul.'"
: -Lefty Gomez

我職業生涯中常常跟球對話。我大喊著 "快出界!快出界!"

: "See that fella over there? He's 20 years old. In 10 years, he's got
: a chance to be a star. Now that fella over there, he's 20 years old,
: too. In 10 years he's got a chance to be 30."
: -Casey Stengel


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
lalawolala:push 08/22 03:17
knetlalala:滿多都滿幽默的XD 08/22 03:20
dawntraveler:我看了一直笑 這些幽默感都很有趣XDDD 08/22 03:22
CGary:You mean third base. <- 好賤...XD 08/22 03:26
biru:超讚! 08/22 03:27
au3rupy3:推 08/22 03:29
payton00045:"你是說三壘嗎?"XD 08/22 03:53
rosemars:很好看... 08/22 03:59
albertjet:推Bill Veeck那句! 08/22 05:31
greengreen42:那個在上丘途中就揮棒很好笑 08/22 07:59
Curoro: 在上丘途中就揮棒很好笑 +1 08/22 08:25
Fukudome:Hitting is timiing,coach is upsetting timing in TW. 08/22 08:54
herosir:推!!!! 08/22 09:20
bigpujols:PUSH 08/22 10:06
t7000:美國派那個翻錯了,不是對美國人而言 08/22 10:33
t7000:而是那三件事都「很美國」 08/22 10:33
z9440610:Fans don't boo nobodies. XD 推....... 08/22 10:50
※ 編輯: wingmouse 來自: (08/22 11:12)
wingmouse:已改正 感謝t7000版友:) 08/22 11:13
Dorasaga:推Ernie Harwell, 真正的Hall of Famer! 08/22 11:31
Dorasaga:像他這種gracious的媒體人百年一見呀~ 08/22 11:32
Melson:推 08/22 12:28
timmyen:7呎6吋寬很好笑XD 08/22 12:36
timmyen:裁判那個也很好笑XD 08/22 12:37
gorhow:打擊率跟氣溫那個好笑 哈哈 08/22 12:50
sava31:上丘途中就揮棒 有一朗傳說的味道XDD 08/22 14:37
foyu:超好笑 08/22 15:15
wch2:on the company's time翻成上班時間會比較合乎原意 08/24 11:54
wch2:整句就是翹班去球場看球會有兩倍的樂趣 08/24 11:55

