

在 企街雞產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅Sally Yeh,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 葉蒨文飯局 叉電傾唔停 個唱在即的葉蒨文,最近頻頻忙於綵排,誓要以fit爆姿態見fans,練得多始終都要抖抖充電,日前葉蒨文便撇低老公,相約一班老友於中環晚膳,眾人摸住酒杯底邊食邊傾,一餐飯食到凌晨十二點始散場。 身穿恤衫西褲的葉蒨文先步出,日夜操練之下其身形更見苗條。一行人傾足成晚仍依依...

 同時也有618部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,790的網紅李基銘漢聲廣播電台-節目主持人-影音頻道,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集主題:「台北.夜.店」介紹 訪問作者:許人杰 內容簡介: 大稻埕、東區、信義區、天母、條通、木柵、大學城…… 台北街頭,佇立著無數餐飲店家,或新潮,或文青,或古樸;端上桌的可能是義大利麵,是壽司,是三杯雞;可能是茶,是酒,是咖啡。 站在店外,看著店頭的裝潢設計與店內的燈光擺設...

企街雞 在 Be a Asterholic x Aminn Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 07:11:52

又一年家庭樂去 #海洋公園,呢2年行親子路線去得好輕鬆,主要都係去劇場、園館同兒童王國(而家叫威威天地)🤣🤣🤣 雖然實施咗人潮管制措施,不過隊仍然係要排少少嘅,要有定 #熱到爆汗 嘅準備! 不過假日去嘅話纜車依然需要排45分鐘以上,如果仲要天氣好好嘅話🌴☀️☀️☀️ 自從有海洋列車之後都無搭過纜...

企街雞 在 +852 HongKonger 賤嘴窮豬 ?? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 08:29:15

💛💛💛 又到到星期五,難得到星期五,又要放鬆下自己大刷一餐,講到大刷就係要去放題,放題邊到多?兆萬一定最多,不過好老實講,之前食過基本上成棟兆萬都係伏之選,今次嚟到呢間唯一一間係唔伏,係愛定係奇跡?雖然唔伏,但又唔稱得上好食,但絕對對得住個價錢,book 定位原價 $288 一個人再有 8 折,埋單...

  • 企街雞 在 Sally Yeh Facebook 的精選貼文

    2012-08-24 13:41:01
    有 37 人按讚

    葉蒨文飯局 叉電傾唔停



    Source: http://orientaldaily.on.cc/…/entert…/20120823/00282_028.html

    Sally has been super busy doing rehearsals for her upcoming concerts, determined that she will be in her best condition, be completely FIT before she stands on stage, in front of her fans. In the meantime, of course she would need some time off for rest and recharge. Recently we saw Sally having dinner with a group of old friends in Central area, though Sally didn’t bring her husband with her. The group was happily chatting while eating and drinking, didn’t leave the restaurant until 12:00AM midnight.

    Sally in suit trousers and shirt stepped out of the restaurant first, looking even slimmer due to daily dance practices and rehearsals. Even after a whole night’s chatting, these friends still didn’t want to leave and still had much to talk; they continued chatting for another while on the street before saying Goodbye to each other. When they were ready to leave, Sally asked the man in suit to get in her car so she could give him a ride home first before she went back home herself. She’s generous and considerate.

