在 仙楂茶功效產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這個夏季實在太熱,好希望住在冰箱裡😂再喝上一杯冰水果茶🧊🥤那真是更讚的不得了 寶島台灣的台東以盛產各類水果聞名,台東在卑南族語中爲PUYUMA 結合水果及茶的Pufru就此誕生 Pufru 果茶 的各款口味都好適合在炎熱的夏季解你的渴❤️ 洛神花紅茶/金桔綠茶/鳳梨綠茶 瓶身很夏季,口感也很讚 ...
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過61萬的網紅{{越煮越好}}Very Good,也在其Youtube影片中提到,⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️ 金羅漢果菊花茶 材料: 金羅漢果半個 菊花30克 程序: 1. 在養生壺內加入清水1.7升。 2. 加入菊花及羅漢果。 3. 用“花茶”功能,煲10分鐘。 4. 完成,可享用。 Golden monk fruit chrysanth...
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- 關於仙楂茶功效 在 Beanpanda Cooking Diary Youtube 的最佳貼文
仙楂茶功效 在 ?麗莎寶貝lisababy? Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-09-03 19:24:57
這個夏季實在太熱,好希望住在冰箱裡😂再喝上一杯冰水果茶🧊🥤那真是更讚的不得了 寶島台灣的台東以盛產各類水果聞名,台東在卑南族語中爲PUYUMA 結合水果及茶的Pufru就此誕生 Pufru 果茶 的各款口味都好適合在炎熱的夏季解你的渴❤️ 洛神花紅茶/金桔綠茶/鳳梨綠茶 瓶身很夏季,口感也很讚 ...
仙楂茶功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-04-16 11:26:54
【月經診症室】經血過多小心引致貧血 ⭐不要胡亂進補 ⭐趁非行經日子調理身體 #星期三CheckCheckMail 正視每月血崩煩惱 洪小姐:「每次來經我都好苦惱,來經時間長達十天,而且坐着起來時就感到經血湧出來,又會夾雜着像仙草凍的血塊,每兩小時必須去洗手間,又不時覺得頭暈。」 CheckCh...
仙楂茶功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-03-14 01:06:54
【打卡世代】變白不一定靠P圖! ⭐P圖效果千篇一律 ⭐素顏上鏡最勇敢 #星期二提升正能量 自拍美照不求人 替膚色內置「仙女光」 人總愛看美的東西,近年大家都習慣影相後P圖,除了裁剪相片、補救光源不足、調校色溫等問題,更重要是美顏瘦身功能,按幾個鍵就能改善面色、去痘、去黑眼圈,再加個濾鏡就好像...
仙楂茶功效 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的精選貼文
2021-02-18 07:00:30⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️
1. 在養生壺內加入清水1.7升。
2. 加入菊花及羅漢果。
3. 用“花茶”功能,煲10分鐘。
4. 完成,可享用。
Golden monk fruit chrysanthemum tea
Golden monk fruit half No.
Chrysanthemum 30g
1. Fill the health pot with water 1.7L.
2. Put chrysanthemum and monk fruit.
3. Use "scented tea" function, boil for 10 minutes.
4. Complete. Serve.
?凍飲 / 熱飲☕/ 煲嘢飲?
1. 南瓜露 電飯煲糖水https://youtu.be/5UieUzG_WvU
2. 清潤蘋果水https://youtu.be/RaNVtc52OeY
3. 魚腥草 聲沙喉痛消炎https://youtu.be/9-ByxItzypM
4. 土茯苓 去濕毒 濕疹救星https://youtu.be/MicM4DxDT9Y
5. 青木瓜水 治療膝痛 擺脫痛風https://youtu.be/G91vn8NHoPY
6. 老黃瓜去濕 大暑煲佢https://youtu.be/a6b8KBBt3tY
7. 荔枝椰果爽 養顏https://youtu.be/IgZ8i2s7864 京都千八
8. 紫米露 美顏滋潤https://youtu.be/S1PeIJq1UJY
9. 山楂蘋果 開胃消滯https://youtu.be/-ohpYv5YIyg
10. 洛神花 降壓 養眠https://youtu.be/cfDLGy-9d6k
11 . 粉葛去濕https://youtu.be/p3OGjJrJZ_8
12. 南瓜珍珠
13. 楊梅山楂 解暑消滯https://youtu.be/UuUdbmw6xeI
14. 山楂 降血脂https://youtu.be/0xZy3wdkDWA
15.酸梅湯 消暑下火 https://youtu.be/KEWGOiw4T90
16. 秋冬滋潤茶
17. 安睡茶 洛神圓肉https://youtu.be/dTOCFaY2AqU
18. 預防感冒https://youtu.be/C-0f1I3KGEU
19. 脹肚消滯茶https://youtu.be/_Qvr2zLxMVs
20 . 牛大力土茯苓 解毒去濕https://youtu.be/MsS2zWNOim8
21. 黑豆桑枝 周身骨痛https://youtu.be/iCHrygjXotY
22. 預防麻疹 有根有據https://youtu.be/Bcqjd3oCTiA
23. 消脂排毒養顏抗氧化https://youtu.be/6AESIM2D4Kg
24. 冰涼綠茶益力多 消脂美白 抗氧化https://youtu.be/xhbm_icm9RE
25. 大暑小暑必飲https://youtu.be/kPPMCDA7HmE
26. 蜜糖苦瓜汁 清熱解毒 倉倉豆豆拜拜https://youtu.be/kzT81aDn880
27.洛神花蘋果 助睡通便https://youtu.be/_l-vFt_DKjQ
28.綠豆 急救湯https://youtu.be/toEc-53Ow_A
29.. 菊花檸檬蜜 護膚美顏https://youtu.be/iVyUx94NZlc
30.蜜糖菊花鮮檸檬 美白清熱
31. 港式奶茶 茶餐廳技巧https://youtu.be/bsH1NbxoYJY
32. 凍檸茶 靚過餐廳https://youtu.be/bsH1NbxoYJY
33. 強肺 羅漢果https://youtu.be/VtqVpdTf1Xo
34. 菠蘿冰 贏曬https://youtu.be/s66LOKN8piQ
35. 玫瑰杞子 消除壓力https://youtu.be/lcNND3lQDqI
36. 龍鬚 神仙果 寶中寶https://youtu.be/hu1_x4v7c-w
37. 圓肉花旗參茶
花旗參杞子茶https://youtu.be/6V66ZVWy2PI -
仙楂茶功效 在 Beanpanda Cooking Diary Youtube 的最佳貼文
2020-10-25 22:00:09#vegan #snack #hawthorn
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安靜的廚房日記 在生活中發現美
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Pufru 果茶 的各款口味都好適合在炎熱的夏季解你的渴❤️
#洛神花紅茶 (紅寶石 璀燦如妳)
洛神花, 富含維他命A及C、鐵、鈉及多種抗氧化物等營養成份,艷紅的色彩,也有”後山(東台灣)紅寶石”的美稱,Pufru洛神花紅茶精選錫蘭紅茶作爲基底, 以黃金比例搭配仙楂搭配調味, 是在炎炎夏日生津解渴的飮料首選
#金桔綠茶 (有妳 時刻都幸運)
金桔對於身體保健的功效在古書中多有提及, 且富含維他命C,此外也有大吉大利的含意,Pufru特選台灣金桔搭配檸檬, 配合淸爽的綠茶作爲基底, 口感微酸帶甜, 生津解渴,四季皆宜
#鳳梨綠茶 (妳在 熱情四溢)
作為南台灣標誌性的水果,鳳梨普遍應用在飲料,甜點,以及菜餚中,而鳳梨的方言諧音又有蓬勃旺盛的含意,所以鳳梨在台灣是非常受歡迎的水果, 作為台灣代表性的飲品, Pufru鳳梨綠茶酸甜適中的口感,每一口都喝的到天然果香,隨時隨地感受南台灣的熱帶風情
這個夏季喝點不一樣的國茶😉 @pufru.tea
#Pufru #FeelGoodFeelPure #Pufru洛神花紅茶 #Pufru金桔綠茶 #Pufru鳳梨綠茶
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Do not ignore menorrhagia
“My menstruation gives me a headache every month. Sometimes, it can last for almost 10 days! Whenever I sit down, I would feel blood gushing out of my body, and occasionally, it comes with jellylike blood clots. I have to visit the washroom once every two hours. I suffer from dizziness as well.”
CheckCheckCin: Chinese Medicine theories opine that an individual’s menstruation is closely associated with the health of the liver, spleen, and kidneys. Weakness in the liver and kidneys, the accumulated heat in the liver, and a weak spleen are among the causes of a high volume of menstrual blood.
During menstruation, avoid consuming ingredients that can nourish and invigorate the blood, like motherwort, hawthorn, Panax Notoginseng (‘tian qi’), fungus, lotus root, and beetroot to prevent menorrhagia. Also, avoid eating foods that are raw and cold, as well as those can cause heat to accumulate in the body.
Likewise, stress in life and feeling depressed and emotional can interrupt the circulation of the qi and blood, and can in turn affect menstruation. Remember to regulate the body after each menstrual cycle and consult registered and licensed Chinese medicine physicians for advice and treatment.
If individuals develop symptoms such as cold limbs, heart palpitations, and dizziness, do consume herbal tea that can replenish the qi, liver, and kidneys a week before menstruation.
Chinese taxillus herb tea with mulberry and red date
Effects: Replenishes and nourishes blood. Suitable for those with asthenic weak type of menstrual discomfort. Accompanying symptoms are cold limbs, heart palpitations, dizziness.
Ingredients: 15g Chinese taxillus herb, 10g mulberry, 3 seedless red dates
Preparation: Place all ingredients into thermos, rinse with hot water and add in hot water and steep for 15 minutes until aroma develops. This tea can be re-brewed until flavour weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Consume 1 week before menstruation.
#女 #經期 #我疲憊 #我畏冷 #氣虛 #血虛 #頭暈
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DIY Selfie
Find that ‘fairy glow’ on your skin
Humans are inherently drawn to beautiful things. After learning a trick or two about photo editing such as cropping the photo and adjusting the exposure and the color temperature, the next important editing skill to focus on is the skin and body shape enhancement.
By clicking a button on the editing tool, we can remove acne and dark eye circles, hence improving the condition of our face. By applying a filter on the photo, we can even make our skin glow like a fairy!
Instead of immersing in the world of editing, why not focus on improving the condition of our skin and body? According to the Chinese Medicine theories, the symptoms that appear on our face reflect the health of our internal organs. Once we take good care of our organs, our skin will glow naturally like a fairy, and we will look the same from a photo or in person.
3 common problems with our complexion
1) Symptoms: skin is dull, dark, and lacklustre; spotty
Cause: weak circulation of qi and blood
Tips to improve the condition: invigorate the blood by consuming an appropriate amount of black fungus, beetroot, and hawthorn, or drink rose tea.
✔️CheckCheckCin Paper Pack Drink Recommendation : Dragon fruit rose tea
Ingredients: water, dragon fruit juice, rock sugar, honey, rose, lemon juice concentrate, oolong tea
Effects: Loosens bowel to relieve constipation, relieves stress, aids digestion and burns fat. Suitable for those with difficult passing stool, stress, frequent sigh and dull complexion.
Note: Not suitable for menstruating women, but can have this tea before period. Not suitable for pregnant women.
2) Symptoms: yellowish complexion
Cause: Weak spleen qi
Tips to improve the condition: take good care of the spleen by drinking rice water daily. Consume an appropriate amount of rice, potato, corn, and pumpkin.
✔ Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
Effects: Reduces water retention. Relieves abdominal bloating. Improves yellowish complexion.
Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.
3) Symptoms: Pale face
Cause: weak qi and blood
Tips to improve the condition: nourish the qi and blood by eating red bean, jujube, black-boned chicken, and dried longan meat.
✔ Recommendation: Red Bean Rice Water
Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, Red Bean
Effects: Achieves rosy complexion. Calms the mind and improves sleep. Replenishes blood and nourishes the stomach.
Welcome to order through our website:�www.checkcheckcin.com
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#男 #女 #我畏冷 #我狀態OK #我疲憊 #氣虛 #血虛