

在 亞洲國際博覽館5號展館座位表產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,889的網紅Nicholas Edward Choi 崔浩然,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Counting down 15 mins to grab those tickets for the game! Click into the link below: https://goo.gl/forms/S7fSMPVA06expOg82 🤺🤺🤺 Come and Support...

  • 亞洲國際博覽館5號展館座位表 在 Nicholas Edward Choi 崔浩然 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-06-05 12:47:30
    有 74 人按讚

    Counting down 15 mins to grab those tickets for the game!
    Click into the link below:
    Come and Support!
    See you all there!

    #fencing #劍擊
    #hongkongathlete #香港運動員


    • 申請票數上限設定為每個比賽日最多兩張,門票將以先到先得形式派發。
    • 一人一票,憑票入場。三歲以下小童不得入場。
    • 所有門票申請必須經由本平台發佈的門票通道遞交已填好之表格,以其他方式如傳真、電郵及郵遞遞交之申請將不被接納。
    • 成功申請門票之人士將於申請遞交成功後三日內收到電郵通知,並可於錦標賽舉行期間每日早上8:30至下午5:00時,於亞洲國際博覽館5號展館外接待處,憑電郵通知及身份證明文件領取門票。為免錯過任何精彩賽事,成功申請門票之人士應預留時間於接待處領取門票。
    • 所有觀眾座位設於決賽區,而大部份早上舉行之小組排名賽將於不設觀眾席之預賽區進行,敬請入場觀眾留意每日之比賽時間表。
    • 「2017亞洲劍擊錦標賽」門票解釋權歸香港劍擊總會所有。

    【Blue Cross Insurance 2017 Asian Fencing Championships】
    【Official Announcement — Ticket Application is Coming】

    2017 Asian Fencing Championships is about to enter the opening stage! In order to facilitate the public to apply for tickets, the ticket application channel will be adjusted. Ticket Application Channel will launch at 1PM, 5th June in this official Facebook (Hong Kong Fencing Association official Facebook), and there is no need to go to the Asian Championship official website to apply.
    The link is: https://goo.gl/forms/S7fSMPVA06expOg82
    Schedule of the competition is shown below, please refer to the schedule for tickets application.
    The following is the ticket application notice:
    • The maximum number of tickets requested in each application is limited to 2 per competition day. Tickets are allocated on first-come-first-serve basis.
    • Each ticket admits one person only. Children under 3-year-old will not be admitted.
    • All ticket application must be made through the official Facebook ticket application channel by filling in the attached form and submitted through the application link. Application by other means, such as fax, email or post will not be accepted.
    • Successful applicants will be notified by email in 3 days from the application is submitted. Tickets can be collected at the reception counter outside Hall 5, AsiaWorld-Expo between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm daily during the Championships by presenting the notification email and identity document. Successful applicants should spare time to collect tickets at the reception counter in order to avoid missing any of our spectacular matches.
    • All spectator seats are located in the Direct Elimination & Finals Hall while most of the matches during the pools events which are held at the Adjoining Pistes Hall have no spectator stand. Please check out the daily competition schedule for details.
    • Hong Kong Fencing Association reserves the right of final explanations.

    #2017亞洲劍擊錦標賽 #2017AFC

