

在 久石讓mp3產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [索尼罪大滔天]這不是愚人節新聞。 SONY改名,由SONY Corporation,改為SONY Group Corporation ============================ 告個急先:Ivan已被炒,已成失業人士。未訂嘅記得訂Patreon,積小成多呀。訂咗嘅可以考慮加碼(h...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅SLSMusic,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【400,000 Subscribes Special】I played soundtracks from Studio Ghibli written by Joe Hisaihi in a music store located in Taipei. Thank you all for makin...

久石讓mp3 在 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Justin Lu Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-10-08 04:16:38

【文末抽獎-藍牙耳機】 想跟大家推薦個自己非常非常喜歡的東西~某天終於有這個機會跟廠商談到合作,也幫你們一起爭取到超級好的福利啦,所以決定來舉辦我最喜歡的運動耳機品牌 @aftershokz 的抽獎活動🥳 只要常在關注我的,一定會發現我每次訓練都會帶同一支耳機。我會這麼喜歡AfterShokz的...

  • 久石讓mp3 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-01 19:59:49
    有 68 人按讚

    [索尼罪大滔天]這不是愚人節新聞。 SONY改名,由SONY Corporation,改為SONY Group Corporation

    告個急先:Ivan已被炒,已成失業人士。未訂嘅記得訂Patreon,積小成多呀。訂咗嘅可以考慮加碼(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。 一星期至少出返六篇文.月頭訂最抵!月費80

    1. 點解好揀唔揀揀今日?未fact check,但舊年已經話改名,咁九成係因為日本公司財政年度4月1日開始有關。聞說日本企業招聘啲大學新生,成個流程都就埋呢啲嘢,好似交配(?)咁一年一劑,冇就永不超生。

    2. 你可以話香港或第度啲大學招聘會都係一年玩一次,但一般係企業就學年,而且即使中途出出入入係常態。當然日本而家唔多再玩終身聘用,但會社人Salaryman(或曰社畜)中途被炒轉工甚至跳草裙舞之類仲係唔多,所以都係嗰句,錯過一次就死得。十分之「日本」stereotype,好似Toyota(?)生產流程,或者八佰伴燒餅機咁,just in time 流水生產線,你咪撚一個齒輪卡住成個機,總之集體意志,唔好咁多個人思想。

    3. 關於「索尼」,好多人都知算係大陸譯名,應該話係日本嗰邊一統中文名,同「華特—迪士尼」一樣,你咪屌冇文化,你鍾意,但人地官方名。不過「索尼」同好多日本公司唔同,著實在日本係冇呢兩隻字(否則唔會香港叫新力大陸叫索尼),根本就冇漢字。亦同歷史有關。

    4. 即係三菱,咪三菱咯。東芝,咪東京芝蒲。尼康NIKON,「咪江戶川亂步 Edgar Allan Poe」「亦即係久石讓 Quincy Jones」「而梁望峰寫鬼故就用遊魂立屍做筆名」(*),明明就係「日光」,之後由NIKON反譯返尼康。「日本人好鍾意意咁玩」,聽聞村上春樹都係寫英文,然後自己譯返變日文,所以出嚟啲嘢就怪怪雞雞咁,「好有文青味」。亦因為咁,聽聞應該睇英文譯本好過中文譯本。如是我聞。

    5. 但SONY唔同,成個名就係……冇乜意思的,同佢元祖嘅「東京通信」全無關係。個名咩意思?冇意思,,就係好似IBM咁,IBM有乜意思?冇意思(**),就係貪佢冇意思,聽落又有型,最重要係「聽落唔似日本品牌」。事實當年SONY打入美國市場,啲土佬以為係美國嘢。「即係松日 Matsunichi MP3咁」,完全係改個歐洲名就扮歐洲琴,勞斯丹頓咁

    6. 講返股票,首先,SONY係可以在美股買的,SNE,唔係5個字母嘅勞蘇(***) Pink Sheet 嘢,你望下任天堂?另外,「遊戲機股」係幾好嘅主題,但只炒一隻任天堂。同啲GAME呀 主機呀都唔係最大關係,最大關係係 遊戲機只佔SONY少部份嘅收入,仲有很多其他不甚那個嘅業務,例如拍戲。




    2021比別人知得多。subscribe now。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1400人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。 年費仲有85折

  • 久石讓mp3 在 SLSMusic Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-23 19:30:11

    【400,000 Subscribes Special】I played soundtracks from Studio Ghibli written by Joe Hisaihi in a music store located in Taipei. Thank you all for making this happened!
    ↓ More info down below ↓

    Finally, 400K Subscribers. It's been a long way! We're really sorry we couldn't celebrate by doing recital, concert or fans event due to the coronavirus issues. Still, we prepared this special video for you, hope you like it.

    I've played them a lot at live streaming, but I rarely do videos for Studio Ghibli Animations. Not because I don't like it, it's just because there were too many covers already on YouTube. So I think this time it's a good opportunity to make it a medley with a different style of video, adding some words I'd like to say to you, hope you like this video.

    As many of you might know, maybe it's the change of time, or change of the algorithm, change of YouTube, musicians on YouTube lives much harder than 4 or 5 years ago. We all have to find another way out to keep living. So in the past few month we've been working on streaming platforms, digital albums, and now is the Patreon. It would be really helpful that fans support us with those platforms IF you're able and willing to.

    And just to be clear, I won't quit doing music videos even if it keep going worse, because doing these things including performing, recording and editing is one of my personal interest, that's why I started all this in the first place, and that's something never change.

    Once again, thanks for all the supporters around the world. We couldn't have done it without you. I don't know how far we can go, but as long as there's audience waiting for me, the music would never stop. No matter what way you choose to support us, we truly appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts.


    🟧Support us on Patreon and Get Rewards!
    🎁Get MP3, Sheet Music, Exclusive Contents

    📖Sheet Music

    ✨Synthesia Video
    Patreon► https://www.patreon.com/posts/54018633
    YT Member► https://youtu.be/xQYLQQ7sJ_I

    🎥 Cinematographer: 建中
    🎥 Assistant: Claire

    🎧Find SLSMusic on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon, Deezer and more
    All► https://li.sten.to/slsmusic

    Spotify► http://bit.ly/SLSMusicSpotify
    iTunes► http://bit.ly/SLSiTunes

    🎤Social Media
    Website: https://www.slsmusic.net
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/slsmusictw
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/slsmusictw
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slsmusictt

    PayPal► https://www.paypal.me/SLSMusic
    歐付寶► https://www.bit.ly/DonateSLS

    Special Thanks to【Kinstar 金聲樂器】

    🔵Patreon "Grand Piano"
    Kater of Glencoe、Lyra Mao、かず K・、阿夜、清艵宮、Mikael Mazareth
    🟢Patreon "Piano"
    Deemo Harlos、LitGrass Chou、Judy Tseng、風和日麗
    🔴YouTube Sponser
    交替的白晝與黑夜・阿夜・Chia-Chi Chang・清艵宮・Kater

    ⏰Song List:
    0:16 Merry-Go-Round of Life/人生のメリーゴーランド
    1:36 Reprise/ふたたび
    2:23 One Summer Day/あの夏へ
    3:41 Carrying You/君をのせて
    5:06 The Legend of Wind / 風の伝説
    7:12 A Town with an Ocean View/海の見える街
    #ghibli #piano #joehisaishi

