

在 中脘穴減肥產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【胃氣成日脹住】噯氣已成日常習慣? ⭐有噯氣代表胃狀況不佳 ⭐嘗試健脾胃改善狀況 #星期三CheckCheckMail 食滯胃氣有臭味 陳生:「平日食飽都會有胃氣走出來,最近更加頻密,而且帶有臭味,是胃病嗎?」 CheckCheckCin:氣從胃中上逆,中醫稱之為「噯氣」,胃氣以降為順,胃氣上...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅林子民中医师,也在其Youtube影片中提到,新年瘦身小诀窍和针灸减肥 │ 穴道按摩 │ 帮助消化中药 炮竹一声除旧岁,除旧布新庆团圆。农历新年是中华民族相当重视的节日之一,人们经过一年的辛勤劳动,总想在这春节期间放松、放空,甚至放纵,欢欣愉快的和亲友们庆祝节假日。但是养生可没有假期,健康需要持续投以关注。经过春节假期的疏于养生,“ 过年病 ”...

中脘穴減肥 在 BeautyExchange.com.hk Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-11-19 02:41:44

肚餓進食是正常不過的事,不過想要減肥的女生經常肚餓就不是一件好事啦!特別是在宵夜的時候很容易就把持不住,一失守就失控啦!想要減低食慾其實可以靠按止餓穴來抵抗,促進消化和減食效果都不錯! . 飢點 飢點是一個與飢餓感有密切關係的穴位,在飯前30分鐘再按一下穴位,就可以達到阻止腸胃向控制食慾的下丘腦發出...

中脘穴減肥 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-09-07 18:01:54

【胃氣成日脹住】噯氣已成日常習慣? ⭐有噯氣代表胃狀況不佳 ⭐嘗試健脾胃改善狀況 #星期三CheckCheckMail 食滯胃氣有臭味 陳生:「平日食飽都會有胃氣走出來,最近更加頻密,而且帶有臭味,是胃病嗎?」 CheckCheckCin:氣從胃中上逆,中醫稱之為「噯氣」,胃氣以降為順,胃氣上...

中脘穴減肥 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 02:16:52

【夏日熱話】真的躺著就能瘦? #針灸減肥只屬輔助作用 #控制飲食和運動方為上策 #星期二正能量 針灸穴位助瘦身 天氣越熱,衣服就愈輕薄,而身上的脂肪就愈礙眼,穿起小背心中空款小短褲時它們完全無所遁形! 減肥真的是持續性的希望工程,從中醫角度來看,想瘦身首先要從認清體質出發,再配合及控制飲食,加上...

  • 中脘穴減肥 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-02 16:35:03
    有 139 人按讚





    材料:麥芽6克、穀芽6克 、陳皮6克



    🛒全線 CheckCheckCin 米水茶飲分店有售:
    元朗店|元朗朗日路8號形點II A262a號舖

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    Odor from food stagnancy in stomach
    “I tend to burp after each meal, it seems to happen more frequently these days, and the burps have an odor. Do I have some kind of stomach disease?”

    CheckCheckCin: From Chinese Traditional Medicine’s understanding, gas from the stomach that moves upwards in the body is belching (‘ai qi’). Stomach gas normally travels downwards, if it moves at the opposite direction, this means you are experiencing a disorder that prohibits the gas from propelling downwards. Gas that has a rancid odor is most probably caused by food stagnation.

    If we consume food excessively or have irregular meals, the spleen and stomach are unable to process them on time, food particles can stagnate inside in the stomach and cause people to belch, experience tightness and discomfort in the chest, appetite loss, constipation, and produce foul-smelling stools.

    When this happens, we need to clear the stagnation. Use rice sprout, malt, and dried citrus peel to make tea; drinking it can help relieve indigestion and bloating. You can also massage the ‘zhong wan’ acupoint, as it can soothe the stomach and strengthen the spleen, relieve bloating and pain in the stomach.

    Millet sprout tea with malt and dried citrus peel

    Effects: promotes qi and aids digestion, relieves symptoms of indigestion, bloating and discomfort due to poor eating habits
    Ingredients: 6g malt, 6g millet sprout, 6g dried citrus peel
    Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly and place into thermos. Rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 15-20 minutes. You can re-brew until its flavour weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days for two weeks.
    Note: This tea is not suitable for ladies who are breastfeeding as malt can decrease breastmilk supply.

    Central Venter (Zhong Wan) Point
    Location: located in the abdomen, below the ribs in the midpoint between rib cage and belly button, about 6 finger widths above the belly button
    Effects: alleviate symptoms of abdominal pain, poor appetite and digestive system pain
    Note: Suggest to press 2 hours after meal

    ✔Herbal Tea Recommendation: Chinese Hawthorn Tea
    Ingredients: Water, Hawthorn, Rock Sugar, Oolong Tea
    Effects: Aids weight loss and improves fat-burn, regulates qi to enhance blood flow. Suitable for indigestion, dull complexion, skin discoloration and chubbiness.
    Note: This tea is sour in taste so it is not suitable for those with acid reflux or prone to abdominal discomfort. It should not be consumed with empty stomach. Due to its ability to activate blood and relieve stasis, it is also not suitable for pregnant ladies

    🛒CheckCheckCin shops
    Sheung Wan|G/F, Kai Fung Building, 4-6 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan
    Causeway Bay|Shop No. G14, Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay
    Tai Koo|Shop No. L109, 1/F, Cityplaza, No. 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Tai Koo
    Tsim Sha Shui|Shop L216, 2/F, Star Annex, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
    Yuen Long|Shop A262a, Level 2, Yoho Mall II, 8 Long Yat Road, Yuen Long
    Tseung Kwan O|Shop No.G91, G/F, Park Central, 9 Tong Tak Street, Tseung Kwan O

    Welcome to order through Facebook inbox 或 WhatsApp:
    Facebook: http://bit.ly/CCC-FB
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我胖了 #胃脹

  • 中脘穴減肥 在 翰醫堂中醫診所 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-05 12:04:31
    有 64 人按讚




  • 中脘穴減肥 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-07-02 18:30:23
    有 221 人按讚



    天氣越熱,衣服就愈輕薄,而身上的脂肪就愈礙眼,穿起小背心中空款小短褲時它們完全無所遁形! 減肥真的是持續性的希望工程,從中醫角度來看,想瘦身首先要從認清體質出發,再配合及控制飲食,加上適量運動。不少人都有同樣的疑問,除了以上提到的大道理外還有甚麼可以做?針灸可以有助減肥嗎?
    中脘穴 ── 增強胃部蠕動,改善胃痛胃脹。
    水分穴 ── 利水消脹,促進水份代謝。
    天樞穴 ── 疏調大腸,扶土化濕,理氣消滯。
    腎俞穴 ── 溫補腎陽,消水腫。
    足三里 ── 健脾胃,調氣血,通便。
    豐隆穴 ── 去除痰濕,紓緩便秘水腫。
    三陰交穴 ── 促進新陳代謝,改善下肢血液循環。

    Acupuncture points to aid slimming
    The hotter the weather, the thinner your clothes will be. Then your fat on the body will be more obvious when wearing your sleeves top with shorts! Burning fat definitely requires continuous work. From a Chinese medicine perspective, to burn fat, you must first start by recognizing your body type, and then control diet and exercise moderately. Many people have the same questions - what else can be done besides the above mentioned method? Can acupuncture help you lose weight?
    The principle of acupuncture treatment of Chinese medicine is to condition the organs by acupuncture points. For example, acupuncture can stimulate the functions of the lungs, spleen and kidneys, promote body metabolism, eliminate wastes such as dampness, phlegm and stasis that accumulated in fat body part. This creates balance of the overall regulation of the body and achieve the purpose of slimming. Chinese medicine practitioners will match the body according to the different body type of the patients.
    The selected acupoints mainly have the functions of regulating qi, blood and stomach, dispeling dampness, nourishing the spleen and kidney. Here are a few examples:
    Central Venter (Zhong Wan) Point - Enhance stomach movement and improve abdominal pain and bloating.
    Shui Fen (Water Separation) Point- Promote diuresis and reduce bloating, promote water metabolism
    Tianshu Point (Celestial Pivot) - Adjust the large intestine, strengthen liver and spleen, dispel dampness, regular qi and aid digestion
    Kidney Shu Point - Warm kidney yang, eliminate edema.
    Zu San Li Point - Strengthen spleen and stomach, regulate qi and blood, loosen the bowels to relieve constipation
    Beautiful Bulge Point - Remove phlegm and dampness, relieves constipation and edema.
    San Yin Jiao (Three Yin Intersection)- promote metabolism, improve blood circulation in the lower limbs.
    It should be noted that it is impossible to only rely on acupuncture to lose weight. Acupuncture has only an auxiliary effect, and everyone has a different body type. The response to acupuncture is different. Acupuncture treatment needs to last for more than a few months. If there is no proper diet and exercise, you will remain overweight.
    In addition to acupuncture to stimulate the above acupuncture points, massaging these acupuncture points are good for your health!

    #男 #女 #我胖了 #痰濕 #減肥

  • 中脘穴減肥 在 林子民中医师 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-02-06 20:30:26

    新年瘦身小诀窍和针灸减肥 │ 穴道按摩 │ 帮助消化中药
    炮竹一声除旧岁,除旧布新庆团圆。农历新年是中华民族相当重视的节日之一,人们经过一年的辛勤劳动,总想在这春节期间放松、放空,甚至放纵,欢欣愉快的和亲友们庆祝节假日。但是养生可没有假期,健康需要持续投以关注。经过春节假期的疏于养生,“ 过年病 ”的症状也将陆续浮现。


    劳逸结合是养生的关键之一,但久坐少动则又是过年期间导致健康亮起红灯的另一个主要因素。“ 户枢不蠹,流水不腐。”过年长时间坐在沙发上观看影集,或和亲友们聚在一起打麻将,都会造成身体气机和体液的滞碍瘀阻,进一步引起酸痛麻痹及活动不利等现象。简单的肢体导引动作,可以预防或缓解少动而引起的痹痛。


    0:00 內容提要
    0:16 飲食小改變(葷素搭配並自製菊花茶、蜂蜜檸檬、山楂水)
    2:02 運動來減肥與保持身材的方法
    3:11 穴道按摩減肥的穴位介紹
    4:28 針灸減肥的原理

    附录 : 針灸減肥
    近年来随着生活水平的不断提高,饮食结构改变,肥胖症在各年龄层有逐年增高的趋势。肥胖不仅影响人的体态美观,给日常作息带来不便,还容易引起物质代谢和内分泌异常,同时也增加了高血压、冠心病、高血脂等疾病的发生。 目前对于肥胖症的治疗,现代西医主要多采取食欲抑制剂和代谢刺激剂,效果并不是非常理想,且有较大的副作用。


    现代医学研究证实:针刺可以使胃基础活动水平降低及餐后胃排空延迟。针刺还可促进机体脂肪代谢, 产热增加,消耗积存的脂肪。这表示针灸减肥一方面抑制患者过亢的食欲,从而减少能量的摄入,另一方面促进能量代谢, 促进脂肪的动员分解,达到减肥目的。



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