在 中央大學寒假開學產品中有115篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【本校防疫訊息~春節年假及開學前防疫注意事項】 NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message — Pandemic-Prevention Precautions during the Lunar New Year Holiday and Prior to Start of the ...
中央大學寒假開學 在 新北市議員 劉哲彰 Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-05-03 20:40:04
哲彰📣要鄭重告訴大家接下來的重要措施! -------------------------------------------------- 2/3晚間行政院宣布2/6起購買口罩將採實名制,民眾需使用健保卡在全國6000多家健保特約藥局購買,每個人在7天內限購2片,一片降價為5元,2/4零時起便利...
中央大學寒假開學 在 李翁月娥 Instagram 的最佳解答
2020-05-02 19:58:42
#全國開學日期延後通知 #大專院校開學日期最新整理 #新北公托及親子中心同步暫停 🦠武漢肺炎疫情延燒,中央流行疫情指揮中心宣布全國開學日期延後: 108學年度第二學期-【高中職(含)以下學生】 #寒假開學日 延至 2/25(二) 並 取消2/15(六)補課 #暑假開始日 延至 7/15(三)。...
中央大學寒假開學 在 小P Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-08-20 00:42:09
2017過得很充實 從年初JD China Best4 到寒假開始 勤益科大寒訓, 長庚大學寒訓,台大寒舞營,六校寒訓,MT戰鬥營,成大流舞寒訓,中興大學寒訓,彰師大寒訓 還舉辦了第一次的Union21舞展還跟桃園市長同台~ 去年在台灣唯一的一場Battle OBS vol.11 Hip Hop B...
中央大學寒假開學 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文
NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message — Pandemic-Prevention Precautions during the Lunar New Year Holiday and Prior to Start of the Spring Semester
🧹請各單位與場館應於開學前完成校園公共區域、校內上課空間、以及自備交通車之清潔消毒,並於開學前備妥清潔消毒及防疫所需的各項物資。開學後,仍應依教育部109 年5月26日函頒之「教室及各學習場域環境通風及定期消毒注意事項」落實辦理。
再次提醒疫情期間請大家出門儘量配戴口罩、勤洗手、與他人保持社交距離,並自我注意是否出現發燒、 呼吸道症狀、腹瀉、嗅味覺異常等疑似症狀。如出現疑似症狀,應確實佩戴醫用口罩,儘速至附近社區採檢醫院就醫,且不得搭乘大眾交通運輸工具;就醫時,應主動告知接觸史、旅遊史、職業暴露及身邊是否出現其他人有類似症狀;返家後亦應佩戴醫用口罩,避免外出。
國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上
Dear NTU students and colleagues,
The Lunar New Year holiday is just around the corner and will soon be followed by the spring semester. In compliance with the instructions released by the Ministry of Education (MOE) on February 3, 2021, the University is asking all of you to abide by the following pandemic-prevention measures.
🧹All departments and administrative offices should complete thorough disinfection of the campus’s public areas, classrooms and learning spaces, as well as NTU shuttle buses. All the materials and equipment necessary for pandemic-related cleaning and disinfection should be made available prior to the start of the new semester. After the semester begins, the abovementioned matters should be carried out in accordance with the “Notices Regarding Ventilation and Periodic Disinfection of Classrooms and Learning Areas” issued by the MOE on May 26, 2020.
😷All departments and administrative offices should continue to implement swipe card entry (or real-name registration) and self-help body temperature measurement.
👨👩👧👦During the postponement of the start day of spring semester of senior high schools and under across the country (February 18-21), NTU faculty and staff may apply for “Pandemic-Prevention Childcare Leave” if they have to take care of their school-age children aged 12 and under, or children who are holders of a disability card and are attending junior high school, senior high school, or in the 1st through 3rd year of junior college. Please contact the Personnel Department for more information.
🏫If you need to organize gatherings or club activities during winter vacation, please do so in compliance with the Central Epidemic Command Center’s “Guidelines for Public Gathering” and the University’s “Pandemic-Prevention Regulations Governing Gatherings and Club Activities during Winter Vacation of 2021”
As the COVID-19 is still raging, please again be remined to always wear a mask when you go out, wash hands frequently, and keep appropriate social distancing. Be attentive and check if you have the following suspected symptoms: fever, respiratory complications, diarrhea, and abnormality of smell and taste. If you do, please wear a medical mask and immediately seek medical attention at a designated COVID-19 testing hospital near you. Please do not take any public transportation. When in the hospital for treatment, please tell your doctor about your contact history, travel history, potential exposure to the virus due to occupation, as well as people around you who may have similar symptoms. When you return home, you should also wear a medical mask and avoid going out if not necessary.
Wish you all a happy, healthy and safe Lunar New Year!
Sincerely yours,
NTU Epidemic Prevention Team
中央大學寒假開學 在 黃瑽寧醫師健康講堂 Facebook 的精選貼文
中央大學寒假開學 在 侯友宜 Facebook 的最佳貼文
國際疫情持續嚴峻,今(3)日下午 教育部 #潘文忠 部長在 #中央流行疫情指揮中心 宣布,高中以下學校延後到2月22日開學,確保開學前校園環境衛生安全、完備防疫作業與環境清潔消毒。因此,教育局針對延後開學提出因應防疫措施:
💡 2/17-2/21校園不開放場地,加強環境消毒、防疫物資整備,並結合 新北i環保 環保局於2/21前完成全市各校內外清消,同時取消學生返校日。
💡 本學期 #家長日 取消實體活動,改線上或書面辦理。
💡 新北市的 #社區大學、#樂齡中心 延後至3月開學。
💡 2月底前教育局及各校的大型活動延期或取消
💡 公立國中小 #低收入戶 午餐券已提前採購,弱勢學生午餐補助不間斷。
💡 #幸福保衛站 仍持續進行,有需要的學童可隨時至 #四大超商 和 #八方雲集 取餐。
由於各級學校及公幼延後開學,請家長們及早安排,若有需求可依規定申請 #防疫照顧假。同時,請鼓勵學生們在寒假期間,使用 #親師生平台 進行數位學習。延後開學期間,教育局也將到校關心防疫準備工作、開學週總動員至各校訪視防疫工作。
想了解更多延後開學防疫措施可電洽新北市教育局,或至教育局官網、 新北學Bar 粉絲專頁查詢。
#行動治理 #侯友宜