

在 中國最大的島嶼產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8萬的網紅王炳忠,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Dear Lady Gaga, You're truly the Superstar at the Top of the World 女神卡卡,妳是真正的超級巨星 Hey, my dear Lady Gaga, I’m Wang Ping Chung, the spokesperson for ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅王炳忠,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🔥支付寶打賞:13581883245 🔥王炳忠今日頭條:搜索「王炳忠台灣」 🔥王炳忠臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/bingzhong.wang ♦♦♦ Hey, my dear Lady Gaga, I’m Wang Ping Chung, the spokespers...

中國最大的島嶼 在 Bulareyaung 布拉瑞揚 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 22:03:41

封面故事/島嶼微光 阿爆與布拉瑞揚 舞團 https://bit.ly/2YgG9EE 【Vogue工作記錄】Part 2 起一個大清早古莉拉娃娃 疫情三級之後,原訂外拍的時間被迫延期,於是出現了阿爆跟我棚拍的備案。 降二級後,VOGUE團隊決定來台東,但,颱風來了,怎麼辦! 行政羅羅說:老師,...

中國最大的島嶼 在 What's the Pinklio 少女人妻的粉紅玩具 ? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-17 00:16:53

我熱愛香氛 今天要跟大家介紹香氛新朋友 #GA 亞曼尼的高級訂製淡香水 Privé花園系列 以前就知道亞曼尼保養和彩妝好用 現在才發現GA香水也好好聞 你知道香氛其實是歌頌大自然最直接的方式 Armani先生的香水靈感來自生活與旅行見聞 這個系列就是亞曼尼先生記憶中的花園之美 從高山茶園到優雅中...

中國最大的島嶼 在 Alan毛亮傑:音樂 廣播 主持 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-10 04:03:45

這裡不是台灣,這裡是福建金門大膽島!慶祝93軍人節,穿上大膽阿兵哥小紅短褲!🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼 一定是特殊的牽引,才會抽到籤王中的籤王,來到前線中的最前線!再次站上大膽島北山「心戰牆」,望著對岸廈門,一片繁華的高樓霓虹,「大膽播音站」的心戰喊話,此刻要解救的,究竟是哪裡的苦難同胞呢?😂🤣😝 「大膽島」...

  • 中國最大的島嶼 在 王炳忠 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-21 09:00:01
    有 1,220 人按讚

    Dear Lady Gaga, You're truly the Superstar at the Top of the World

    Hey, my dear Lady Gaga, I’m Wang Ping Chung, the spokesperson for one of Taiwan’s political party named the New Party. Here I must give my salute to you. As you said that Dr. Tedros, the director-general of the WHO, is truly a superstar, I must say that you’re also the superstar, especially at the top of the world. In addition, you’re also the goddess of love and peace.


    Facing the corona virus pandemic, we need love instead of hatred, and peace instead of war. However, the US government still cannot give up its battle with China, even though it’s a critical time to combat against the pandemic in solidarity with one another. It seems that President Trump only cares how to palm off his responsibility on the WHO. Taiwan, the vassal of the US, has even carrying out the racist campaign against Dr. Tedros, which is truly a shame for anyone from Taiwan who has any sense of justice.


    Dear Lady Gaga, since you praised Dr. Tedros publicly, you’ve been the newest target for those clicktivists to attack. Nevertheless, I believe it matters nothing to you, for you never minds how others see herself. Showing who you are and conveying how you’re thinking, you have such great charisma that you attract millions of fans all over the world. Fortunately, we have you and those excellent singers reminding us that human beings are one world confronted with the pandemic.


    We shall thank Lady Gaga and those excellent singers for her encouraging words and beautiful melodies, beyond the frontiers of cultural, ethical, and geographical limitations. We shall thank Dr. Tedros for doing his best to solidify universal efforts to defeat the pandemic. Moreover, we shall definitely thank China for sacrificing itself to give the world more preparation time, except for Taiwan, the largest island of China, in which the officials and media insist referring to Covid-19 as Wuhan virus, regardless of the WHO’s demand to avoid naming the disease with any discriminatory word.


  • 中國最大的島嶼 在 小劉醫師-劉宗瑀Lisa Liu粉絲團 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-25 20:40:59
    有 922 人按讚

    高雄市議員 林智鴻:「這邊有講到,中國最大的海峽台灣海峽,還有中國最大的島嶼台灣島」



  • 中國最大的島嶼 在 公民不健忘-台灣主權和平獨立 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-24 08:40:20
    有 3 人按讚


    爸爸、媽媽買 #故事機 給小朋友聽故事,可得先聽一下內容妥不妥當......👂👂👂



  • 中國最大的島嶼 在 王炳忠 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-21 05:23:12

    Hey, my dear Lady Gaga, I’m Wang Ping Chung, the spokesperson for one of Taiwan’s political party named the New Party. Here I must give my salute to you. As you said that Dr. Tedros, the director-general of the WHO, is truly a superstar, I must say that you’re also the superstar, especially at the top of the world. In addition, you’re also the goddess of love and peace.


    Facing the corona virus pandemic, we need love instead of hatred, and peace instead of war. However, the US government still cannot give up its battle with China, even though it’s a critical time to combat against the pandemic in solidarity with one another. It seems that President Trump only cares how to palm off his responsibility on the WHO. Taiwan, the vassal of the US, has even carrying out the racist campaign against Dr. Tedros, which is truly a shame for anyone from Taiwan who has any sense of justice.


    Dear Lady Gaga, since you praised Dr. Tedros publicly, you’ve been the newest target for those clicktivists to attack. Nevertheless, I believe it matters nothing to you, for you never minds how others see herself. Showing who you are and conveying how you’re thinking, you have such great charisma that you attract millions of fans all over the world. Fortunately, we have you and those excellent singers reminding us that human beings are one world confronted with the pandemic.


    We shall thank Lady Gaga and those excellent singers for her encouraging words and beautiful melodies, beyond the frontiers of cultural, ethical, and geographical limitations. We shall thank Dr. Tedros for doing his best to solidify universal efforts to defeat the pandemic. Moreover, we shall definitely thank China for sacrificing itself to give the world more preparation time, except for Taiwan, the largest island of China, in which the officials and media insist referring to Covid-19 as Wuhan virus, regardless of the WHO’s demand to avoid naming the disease with any discriminatory word.


