

在 中國春節假期產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,848的網紅群益期貨多莉兒,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, https://reurl.cc/DvyKe6 2021群益送好禮! 快點進網址抽獎吧❤️ 20210203(三)群益多莉兒重點新聞 1. 散戶抱團股集體大跌,游戲驛站暴跌60%,逼空大戰暫告一段落,主要因拜登出手、Robinhood IPO暫停及債券募資遇阻及T+2結算改為實時結算...


中國春節假期 在 群益期貨多莉兒 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-19 01:13:34

https://reurl.cc/DvyKe6 2021群益送好禮! 快點進網址抽獎吧❤️ 20210203(三)群益多莉兒重點新聞 1. 散戶抱團股集體大跌,游戲驛站暴跌60%,逼空大戰暫告一段落,主要因拜登出手、Robinhood IPO暫停及債券募資遇阻及T+2結算改為實時結算等因素的影...

  • 中國春節假期 在 群益期貨多莉兒 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-03 14:43:18
    有 24 人按讚



    1. 散戶抱團股集體大跌,游戲驛站暴跌60%,逼空大戰暫告一段落,主要因拜登出手、Robinhood IPO暫停及債券募資遇阻及T+2結算改為實時結算等因素的影響。

    2. 全球陷入搶疫苗大戰,英國每百人接種新冠肺炎疫苗15人,美國10人,歐盟只有3人,誰的國家接種多,誰的貨幣強。

    3. 美國參議院當地時間週二下午開始辯論預算決議進行投票,週一及週二美元漲、股市漲及債券跌反應的現象和1/5日藍色浪潮的模式一樣。

    4. 緬甸仰光機場重啟,國際航線復飛。

    5. OPEC+核心國家原油出口下滑,1月沙特出貨下降68.8萬桶/日。

    6. 中國資金市場雲開見日,連續兩天流動性投放,資金呈現上週冷本週熱的情況。

    7. SpaceX星際飛船Starship第二次試飛降落時爆炸。

    8. 智利Codelco及其他主要礦商12月礦產大幅下降。

    9. 中國春節假期前對基本金屬的需求放緩。

    #群益期貨多莉兒 #群益期貨 #群益 #國外期貨 #海外期貨 #期貨 #微型商品 #財經新聞 #海期 #新手投資 #理財情報 #理財知識 #期貨營業員 #群益營業員 #手續費 #線上開戶 #股票 #投資 #證券 #etf #台北

  • 中國春節假期 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-18 15:56:48
    有 228 人按讚

    [時事英文] Factories Struggle to Reopen in China

    Taiwanese factory owners in China face uncertainty ahead. Will their factories suffer losses, be closed permanently, or eventually be taken over by the government?




    Fitfully and painfully — and with some worried prodding from Beijing — China is trying to reopen for business.

    1. fitfully and painfully 斷斷續續且艱難地
    2. prod somebody into (doing) something 激勵,促使,敦促



    The world’s second-largest economy practically shut down three weeks ago as a viral outbreak sickened tens of thousands of people, unexpectedly lengthening a Chinese holiday. The freeze set off warnings that the global economy could be in jeopardy if the world’s pre-eminent manufacturing powerhouse stayed shut for long.

    3. a viral outbreak 一場病毒疫情暴發
    4. sicken thousands of people 數萬人患病
    5. set off warnings發出警告
    6. global economy 全球經濟
    7. put…in jeopardy 將…置於危險之中
    8. manufacturing powerhouse製造業強國



    Chinese leaders called this past week for more emphasis on reviving the economy. But many of the factories that have reopened are operating well below capacity, say companies and experts. Quarantines, blocked roads and checkpoints are stopping millions of workers from returning to their jobs. Supply lines have been severed.

    9. emphasis on 強調
    10. revive the economy 復甦經濟
    11. operate below capacity 以低於產能的狀態營運
    12. return to work 回去上班、工作
    13. sever supply lines 中斷供應線



    “The kind of fear and freeze that has taken hold in terms of economic activity is likely to persist,” said George Magnus, a research associate at Oxford University’s China Center. “I don’t really see a good outcome.”

    14. take (a) hold 變強;確立地位
    15. in terms of 在…方面;從…方面來說;根據…來看
    16. economic activity 經濟活動
    17. a good outcome 好結果

    「就經濟活動而言,這種恐懼和停產可能會持續下去,」牛津大學中國中心研究員喬治·馬格努斯(George Magnus)說。「我真的看不到什麼好結果。」


    The ripples have continued to spread around the world. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore warned on Friday that the city-state could fall into recession as a result of the outbreak. Germany, Europe’s business powerhouse, on Friday reported slowing economic growth at the end of 2019, prompting fears the virus could delay a recovery.

    18. fall into recession 陷入(經濟)衰退
    19. business powerhouse 經濟強國
    20. economic growth 經濟增長
    21. prompt fears 激發恐懼
    22. delay recovery 延緩(經濟)復甦



    With the exception of factories producing medical protective equipment, which the Chinese government has asked to run around the clock, few businesses seem to be returning yet to their previous pace.

    23. protective equipment 防護設備
    24. run around the clock 全天候、24小時



    Foxconn, the Taiwan company that makes iPhones and other gadgets on behalf of Apple and global electronics companies, declined to detail which plants have reopened since the Chinese holiday ended but denied a media report that it was aiming to reach 50 percent production levels by the end of this month. It did not respond to requests for additional comment. Apple also declined to comment, but its chief executive, Timothy D. Cook, said last month, without offering specifics, that some of its suppliers could be disrupted.

    25. Foxconn 富士康
    26. gadget 小器具;小裝置;小玩意兒
    27. on behalf of代替
    28. global electronics companies 全球電子設備企業
    29. decline to detail 拒絕提供細節
    30. aim to reach 目標達到
    31. production level 生產水準
    32. respond to requests 回應要求
    33. decline to comment 拒絕評論
    34. disrupt supply 干擾供應

    為蘋果製造iPhone和其他小裝置的全球電子設備企業——台灣的富士康拒絕提供自中國春節假期結束以來哪家工廠已重新開工的具體信息,但否認了媒體的一條報導,報導稱富士康的目標是在本月底前恢復50%的生產。富士康沒有回覆記者讓公司進一步置評的請求。蘋果公司也拒絕置評,但首席執行官蒂莫西·D·庫克(Timothy D. Cook)上月曾說,公司的一些供應商可能會受干擾,但沒有提供具體細節。


    The reopening of businesses means trying to bring together again much of China’s 700 million-strong labor force after what had become a nearly three-week national holiday. China’s containment efforts have effectively carved up the country. At least 760 million people — slightly over half the country’s population — are under various kinds of lockdown.

    35. bring together 集合起來
    36. labor force勞動力
    37. containment efforts 抑制(疫情的)措施
    38. carve up 分割,瓜分
    39. under lockdown 在封鎖之下



    The slow and partial reopening of factories could have a knock-on effect on businesses around the world. China Weaving Materials in Jiangxi Province said that its yarn factories would not open until Feb. 20. Other companies in China need the yarn to make fabric. In neighboring Vietnam, handbag factories are running short on fabric, zippers and various metal components that come mostly from China, said Tatiana Olchanetzky, a handbag manufacturing consultant in that country.

    40. a knock-on effect 連鎖反應
    41. run short on 面臨短缺

    中國工廠緩慢地恢復部分生產,可能會給世界各地的企業帶來連鎖反應。位於江西省的中國織材控股有限公司說,公司的紗線廠在2月20日之前開不了工。中國其他的工廠需要這家公司生產的紗線來織布。在鄰國越南,手袋製造廠正面臨著面料、拉鏈和各種金屬部件的短缺,它們大部分來自中國,為越南手袋製造業提供諮詢的塔蒂阿娜·歐嬋奈茲基(Tatiana Olchanetzky)說。


    Restarting China’s factories is only part of the challenge. The country has a huge services and consumer sector, including shops and restaurants enjoyed by an increasingly affluent middle class. Those businesses have also been devastated by the outbreak, which has kept many Chinese families confined to their homes.

    42. part of the challenge挑戰的一部分
    43. services and consumer sector 服務業和消費者群體
    44. affluent middle class 富裕的中產階級
    45. be devastated by被…摧毀
    46. be confined in something 被侷限在…



    Amy Li, the owner of a Shanghai restaurant that specializes in northeastern Chinese cuisine, said that her eatery had little hope of reopening soon, like dozens of others nearby, and may not survive. “We don’t know when we can reopen,” Ms. Li said. “The future is a matter of fate.”

    47. have little hope of 對…不抱希望
    48. a matter of fate 聽天由命

    上海一家經營中國東北菜的餐館老闆艾米·李(Amy Li)說,她的餐館和附近幾十家餐館一樣,對很快重新開張幾乎不抱希望,這讓他們可能無法生存下去。「現在還不知道哪一天可以重新開業,」艾米·李說。「未來的事只能聽天由命了。」


    完整報導: https://nyti.ms/37AquPp

    圖片來源: https://cnb.cx/2SCm1Ys


    經濟英文關鍵詞彙: http://wp.me/p44l9b-10I

    經濟英文廣播課: http://bit.ly/3bI9IkR

    時事英文大全: http://bit.ly/2WtAqop

  • 中國春節假期 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-02-18 15:56:48
    有 228 人按讚

    [時事英文] Factories Struggle to Reopen in China

    Taiwanese factory owners in China face uncertainty ahead. Will their factories suffer losses, be closed permanently, or eventually be taken over by the government?




    Fitfully and painfully — and with some worried prodding from Beijing — China is trying to reopen for business.

    1. fitfully and painfully 斷斷續續且艱難地
    2. prod somebody into (doing) something 激勵,促使,敦促



    The world’s second-largest economy practically shut down three weeks ago as a viral outbreak sickened tens of thousands of people, unexpectedly lengthening a Chinese holiday. The freeze set off warnings that the global economy could be in jeopardy if the world’s pre-eminent manufacturing powerhouse stayed shut for long.

    3. a viral outbreak 一場病毒疫情暴發
    4. sicken thousands of people 數萬人患病
    5. set off warnings發出警告
    6. global economy 全球經濟
    7. put…in jeopardy 將…置於危險之中
    8. manufacturing powerhouse製造業強國



    Chinese leaders called this past week for more emphasis on reviving the economy. But many of the factories that have reopened are operating well below capacity, say companies and experts. Quarantines, blocked roads and checkpoints are stopping millions of workers from returning to their jobs. Supply lines have been severed.

    9. emphasis on 強調
    10. revive the economy 復甦經濟
    11. operate below capacity 以低於產能的狀態營運
    12. return to work 回去上班、工作
    13. sever supply lines 中斷供應線



    “The kind of fear and freeze that has taken hold in terms of economic activity is likely to persist,” said George Magnus, a research associate at Oxford University’s China Center. “I don’t really see a good outcome.”

    14. take (a) hold 變強;確立地位
    15. in terms of 在…方面;從…方面來說;根據…來看
    16. economic activity 經濟活動
    17. a good outcome 好結果

    「就經濟活動而言,這種恐懼和停產可能會持續下去,」牛津大學中國中心研究員喬治·馬格努斯(George Magnus)說。「我真的看不到什麼好結果。」


    The ripples have continued to spread around the world. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore warned on Friday that the city-state could fall into recession as a result of the outbreak. Germany, Europe’s business powerhouse, on Friday reported slowing economic growth at the end of 2019, prompting fears the virus could delay a recovery.

    18. fall into recession 陷入(經濟)衰退
    19. business powerhouse 經濟強國
    20. economic growth 經濟增長
    21. prompt fears 激發恐懼
    22. delay recovery 延緩(經濟)復甦



    With the exception of factories producing medical protective equipment, which the Chinese government has asked to run around the clock, few businesses seem to be returning yet to their previous pace.

    23. protective equipment 防護設備
    24. run around the clock 全天候、24小時



    Foxconn, the Taiwan company that makes iPhones and other gadgets on behalf of Apple and global electronics companies, declined to detail which plants have reopened since the Chinese holiday ended but denied a media report that it was aiming to reach 50 percent production levels by the end of this month. It did not respond to requests for additional comment. Apple also declined to comment, but its chief executive, Timothy D. Cook, said last month, without offering specifics, that some of its suppliers could be disrupted.

    25. Foxconn 富士康
    26. gadget 小器具;小裝置;小玩意兒
    27. on behalf of代替
    28. global electronics companies 全球電子設備企業
    29. decline to detail 拒絕提供細節
    30. aim to reach 目標達到
    31. production level 生產水準
    32. respond to requests 回應要求
    33. decline to comment 拒絕評論
    34. disrupt supply 干擾供應

    為蘋果製造iPhone和其他小裝置的全球電子設備企業——台灣的富士康拒絕提供自中國春節假期結束以來哪家工廠已重新開工的具體信息,但否認了媒體的一條報導,報導稱富士康的目標是在本月底前恢復50%的生產。富士康沒有回覆記者讓公司進一步置評的請求。蘋果公司也拒絕置評,但首席執行官蒂莫西·D·庫克(Timothy D. Cook)上月曾說,公司的一些供應商可能會受干擾,但沒有提供具體細節。


    The reopening of businesses means trying to bring together again much of China’s 700 million-strong labor force after what had become a nearly three-week national holiday. China’s containment efforts have effectively carved up the country. At least 760 million people — slightly over half the country’s population — are under various kinds of lockdown.

    35. bring together 集合起來
    36. labor force勞動力
    37. containment efforts 抑制(疫情的)措施
    38. carve up 分割,瓜分
    39. under lockdown 在封鎖之下



    The slow and partial reopening of factories could have a knock-on effect on businesses around the world. China Weaving Materials in Jiangxi Province said that its yarn factories would not open until Feb. 20. Other companies in China need the yarn to make fabric. In neighboring Vietnam, handbag factories are running short on fabric, zippers and various metal components that come mostly from China, said Tatiana Olchanetzky, a handbag manufacturing consultant in that country.

    40. a knock-on effect 連鎖反應
    41. run short on 面臨短缺

    中國工廠緩慢地恢復部分生產,可能會給世界各地的企業帶來連鎖反應。位於江西省的中國織材控股有限公司說,公司的紗線廠在2月20日之前開不了工。中國其他的工廠需要這家公司生產的紗線來織布。在鄰國越南,手袋製造廠正面臨著面料、拉鏈和各種金屬部件的短缺,它們大部分來自中國,為越南手袋製造業提供諮詢的塔蒂阿娜·歐嬋奈茲基(Tatiana Olchanetzky)說。


    Restarting China’s factories is only part of the challenge. The country has a huge services and consumer sector, including shops and restaurants enjoyed by an increasingly affluent middle class. Those businesses have also been devastated by the outbreak, which has kept many Chinese families confined to their homes.

    42. part of the challenge挑戰的一部分
    43. services and consumer sector 服務業和消費者群體
    44. affluent middle class 富裕的中產階級
    45. be devastated by被…摧毀
    46. be confined in something 被侷限在…



    Amy Li, the owner of a Shanghai restaurant that specializes in northeastern Chinese cuisine, said that her eatery had little hope of reopening soon, like dozens of others nearby, and may not survive. “We don’t know when we can reopen,” Ms. Li said. “The future is a matter of fate.”

    47. have little hope of 對…不抱希望
    48. a matter of fate 聽天由命

    上海一家經營中國東北菜的餐館老闆艾米·李(Amy Li)說,她的餐館和附近幾十家餐館一樣,對很快重新開張幾乎不抱希望,這讓他們可能無法生存下去。「現在還不知道哪一天可以重新開業,」艾米·李說。「未來的事只能聽天由命了。」


    完整報導: https://nyti.ms/37AquPp

    圖片來源: https://cnb.cx/2SCm1Ys


    經濟英文關鍵詞彙: http://wp.me/p44l9b-10I

    經濟英文廣播課: http://bit.ly/3bI9IkR

    時事英文大全: http://bit.ly/2WtAqop

  • 中國春節假期 在 范琪斐 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-01 22:00:10

    我們身處在這個社群的時代,有流量、有點閱率的網紅們影響力非常大,而這次的春節假期也接連發生了幾個爭議事件,像是愛莉莎莎的肝膽排石風波,以及變性網紅宣稱腹腔懷孕的狀況,讓大家開始反思、討論,網紅們在網路上掌握的這些話語權,對民眾可能產生什麼影響?而當網紅們分享的言論有沒有什麼社會責任,或倫理問題呢?今天我們就特別邀請到了,交通大學兼任助理教授 李律,來加入我們的討論,歡迎!
    《#范琪斐的寰宇漫遊》每周四晚間8點55分在 #寰宇新聞台 播出,沒跟上的也沒關係,歡迎訂閱我們的 YouTube 頻道 🔔#范琪斐的寰宇漫遊 🔔https://reurl.cc/ZvKM3 1000pm準時上傳完整版!

  • 中國春節假期 在 人生勝利組Life victory group Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-02-16 11:30:06


    Track::TheFatRat - Monody (feat. Laura Brehm)
    Music provided by TheFatRat.

  • 中國春節假期 在 巴打台 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-02-16 10:00:04


    巴打台Youtube Channel:





