

在 三重區自強路二段63號產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9,850的網紅旅人筆記wemedia.tw,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 📸 羊肉串 Lamb Shashlik - 六葉炙燒牛排、六葉燒烤對很多新北市三重的朋友,是一個極為熟悉的名字🎈。尤其是六葉燒烤,它在三重已經營了三十年之久。六葉燒烤在當地經營這麼多年,除了食材新鮮、給料大方之外,其所使用自製的燒烤醬,深受顧客喜愛💕也是原因之一。 - 今年開始店家為了服務...

  • 三重區自強路二段63號 在 旅人筆記wemedia.tw Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-01-18 00:17:46
    有 115 人按讚

    📸 羊肉串 Lamb Shashlik
    在六葉是由具30多年燒烤經驗的師傅親自為顧客料理,現點、現烤,烤好才上桌🎈。吃燒烤再不用怕烤焦,現點現烤也不會浪費食材,顧客衹要專心品嘗即可,再不需手忙腳亂的邊吃、邊忙著為食材翻面。最重要的價位亦頗為親民💖:平日NT $489+10%;星期六、日及國定假日NT $559元+10%,飲料、冰淇淋無限供應。
    📞Tel:02- 2989-0655
    🕛Open hours:From Monday to Thursday:15:00 p.m. -00:30 a.m.;From Friday to Sunday:11:50 a.m. -00:30 a.m.
    The store has been in business for three decades and has made it one of the reasons why homemade barbecue sauce is used in addition to its fresh ingredients and generous ingredients.
    Beginning this year, the store in order to serve more friends like 💖 barbecue dishes, special barbecue introduced to eat. Provide about 40 kinds of ingredients to choose from, skewers, fries, cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, seafood ... readily available, cold weather can point a small pot.
    In the shop is a master with more than 30 years of barbecue experience for the customer to personally cook, is the point, is roasted, roasted before the table 🎈. Eat barbecue no longer afraid of scorched, now points are baked will not waste ingredients, customers can concentrate as long as you can taste, then do not need to rush to eat, busy while turning the ingredients. The most important price is also quite pro-public 💖: Weekday NT $ 489 + 10%; Saturday, Japanese and national holidays NT $ 559 + 10%, drinks, ice cream unlimited supply.
    Recommend to like to eat barbecue, barbecue, eat full restaurant friends, the barbecue worth a try.
    #新北美食 #三和國中站 #吃到飽 #satay #allyoucaneat

