

在 三仙台傳說產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,407的網紅BikepackingTaiwan 陪你玩台灣 - 體驗單車露營的美好,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 今天從玉里出發,爬上玉長往成功騎。巧遇外國車友,說我的行李真輕便,聽到就覺得好爽哈哈哈~ 三仙台,傳說中呂洞賓、李鐵拐、何仙姑曾登臨島上,也因此得名。在強烈海濱的風化海蝕的情況下,各種地貌依依出現,海蝕柱、壺穴、隧道型的海蝕門遍佈整個海岸線,非常值得一看的自然景觀! #我Bikepack...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過23萬的網紅鬧著玩娛樂,也在其Youtube影片中提到,●瘋人浩挑戰一日水行俠 ●傳說中的成功小鎮海味滿滿 ●台東的漁獲拍賣長得很不一樣 ●到底什麼是海豬腳? ●你知道柴魚片本人長這樣嗎? ●一甲子的冰果室,吃到阿嬤的味道 ●餵豬行程到哪都在進行中 #台東旅遊 #台東必去 #台東成功 #海鮮拍賣 #水行俠 #鏢旗魚手 ▷ 一起跟我們鬧著玩👯‍♀️ ►...

三仙台傳說 在 Eason | TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-04 17:23:33

環島環島day3-5:別來無恙三仙台 跨過了玉長公路很快就可以看到大海,台東迎接我們的第一站就是三仙台😍,對我來說算是一個”別來無恙”的地方,一年多的時間到過三次每次都有著不同的體悟😁 三仙台的傳說源於早期為阿美族人養羊的地方,因此三仙台又稱Pisiran(比西里岸),因島上奇石分布,其中有三塊...

三仙台傳說 在 美食 旅遊 。 飛鼠痴遊吃 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-11-02 15:35:03

#三仙台八拱橋 #三仙台🌊 #比西里岸 📍#三仙台 #台東 #taitung 。 - 🚩歡迎推薦 #台東景點 給 @foodtravel_flymouse ❤️。 #飛鼠玩台東 #travel_flymouse_taitung 。 - 👁 ⬛️ 寶島台灣每天的第一道曙光總是先灑落在三仙台。 ⬜️三仙...

  • 三仙台傳說 在 BikepackingTaiwan 陪你玩台灣 - 體驗單車露營的美好 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-14 17:43:08
    有 210 人按讚

    ✉ Email:service@bikepackingtaiwan.com

  • 三仙台傳說 在 林柏妤 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-10-20 07:48:58
    有 693 人按讚



    It's Time for Taiwan!!
    One thing you must do when you come to Taitung is to come around the seaside because it has the most beautiful coast here!

    2016-2017 Episode 5 East Coast Line 東部海岸趴趴走(台東)
    Transcript 影片文字稿:

    Welcome to TAIWAN, I am Poyu Lin, I love to travel ,love wandering around in Taiwan

    Today,I am taking Taiwan Tourist Shuttles of East Coast Line. Along the route, we will see the natural, this great talented artist left us some vibrant fine sculptures here.

    Oh it's a beautiful place, the ocean lines are good, everything is beautiful here

    Wanna see how far your imagination can go? You’ll have to come to “Xiaoyeliu Scenic Area”. What do you think this rock looks like?

    Doufu?Mushroom?Look, is it look like a frog?Honeycomb?Alien?Minions!

    Ok,well,let me think another one

    The interesting geological landscape of Xiaoyeliu was transformed through years of geological events, weathering and erosion. And the nature of its stratum, which is composed of overlapping layers of sandstone and mudstone, is the main ingredient to these unique sculptures.

    Aside from the beautiful scenery here, there are also many popular legends. The most famous one is about Sanxiantai.Back then, you will have to wait for the outgoing tide to walk over and visit. Nowaday with the bridge built in between, it becomes more accessible.

    From this angle you can take the coolest picture of Sanxiantai,having all 8 arch bridges in one shot. It looks like a giant dragon flying over the sea, doesn’t it?

    So,Sanxiantai used to be connected to the main island, and due to coastal erosion it became separated. If you literally translate Sanxiantai into English, It means the island of the three saints, represented by the three rocks.

    Now,I’m going to cross the bridges

    there is total of 320 stairs, so it's not difficult to climb

    The size of Sanxiantai is as big as 27 football fields! I have got lots of energy so let’s walk around the area and look for the 3 immortals!

    I'm standing on Sanxiantai, the rock ,it’s so huge

    However, for the native Amis Tribe, Sanxiantai is their traditional hunting and fishing ground and it is where food comes from. They called it “nuwalian”, which means “the place on the far east side”.

    This is the Pisilian community, an enchanted Amis Tribe. The music instrument they were playing is called the “Paw-Paw” drum.

    The “Paw-Paw drum ”is created by local artists. They use recycled plastic floats of stationary fishing net and driftwood; then put on traditional Amis patterns, and turn it into a one and only Pisilian-style green instrument.

    This is easy to learn and great to play. You should to try it! today I’m going to say thank you for watching our show in Amis traditional language.
    I am Poyu Lin, enjoy your time in Taiwan! “Aray”

    More information>>>>>
    Taiwan Tourist Shuttle http://en.taiwantrip.com.tw/line/17?x=4&y=2
    East Coast National Scenic Area http://www.eastcoast-nsa.gov.tw/en-us
    Sanxiantai http://www.eastcoast-nsa.gov.tw/en-us/Attractions/Detail/74

  • 三仙台傳說 在 鬧著玩娛樂 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-01 20:00:15


    #台東旅遊 #台東必去 #台東成功 #海鮮拍賣 #水行俠 #鏢旗魚手

    ▷ 一起跟我們鬧著玩👯‍♀️
    ►【鬧著玩】荒唐慶生會 台東EP.1 https://youtu.be/sxSuQAJAZjI
    ►【鬧著玩】你可能也錯過的三仙台 原來那麼美 台東EP.2
    ►【鬧著玩】一個月75元獨享會員尊榮🤘 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO4GmpiTno-1VGikDLxUStQ/join

    🌵 每週一、四晚上08:00 YOUTUBE首播
    🌟 FB快來按讚:https://www.facebook.com/nowyouon/
    🥂 IG一起追蹤:https://www.instagram.com/nowyouon/


  • 三仙台傳說 在 HOMAS赫馬士 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-05-27 12:00:14

    本人影片創作純粹紀錄釣遊 暫時謝絕商業邀約合作 謝謝惠顧!
    IG: http://www.instagram.com/homas.chen
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/homas.chen
    岸拋魂FB連結🔗 https://www.facebook.com/groups/2370698739885210/?ref=share
    MFA魚尺蝦皮連結🔗 https://shopee.tw/product/18141764/7606975955?smtt=0.0.9
    釣竿:Zenaq 100hh
    捲線器:shimano stella sw 6000hg
    母線:PE#3.0 前導:卡夢#14
    硬餌:70g~105g popper 鐵板:60~80g

  • 三仙台傳說 在 邱奕榮愛釣魚 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-06-25 17:08:28

    #禁止絲襪 #20幾年的傳說 #橫行釣蝦界 #老闆紛紛警告

    訂購誘餌粉連結 : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfi3n1ebG6C3dYNvMNj8Bc8eVEBlABmRLjst4THinrhFvdY4g/viewform?fbclid=IwAR2wHYF_5TOWbnVm47CZL-0QBAte8IAkW6XPwIIYRtIa6z9_SIY4WUTfSm0
    丸7 MARUNA這包誘餌是本人代言
    以測試1年 目前釣具店都沒有販售
    目前由本人在網路銷售訂購 真的便宜好用 內容物實在
    貨到付款免運費 免運費歐 真的很便宜
    以箱出貨 不零賣歐
    請加小幫手黃菀君 LINE ID 4781roxy 直接訂購也可以
    假日除外 當天叫貨 隔天出貨 兩天以內到府 貨到付款 免運費
    真的很好用 請給社長一次機會 推薦給你用

