

在 /open+sans產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅艾比 - Aibby,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這個迷你混音為了12/27 搶先給大家收聽 喜歡的朋友們可以幫我分享~ 另外12/27要來Paris參加我的活動喔 謝謝大家 EDM 15 Mini Mix by http://www.mixcloud.com/ibby-liao/…" target="_blank" style="col...

/open+sans 在 香港人.遊香港 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 10:59:08

【行山靚景線:斜陽裡行走四排石山!】 .乘坐K66巴士到達大棠,沿大棠山道直上,大約行2公里就到達大棠燒烤場,再沿大棠自然教育徑直走,再行2公里左右,經過一小段竹林,靠左手面有一條隱徑,有絲帶引路,一直上,呢度路段比較乾涸,都係散沙碎石,小心跣喔! 靠右手面會見倒一個小峽谷,滿滿紅土好靚喎! 立即打...

  • /open+sans 在 艾比 - Aibby Facebook 的最佳解答

    2014-12-15 02:21:26
    有 27 人按讚

    這個迷你混音為了12/27 搶先給大家收聽
    謝謝大家 <3

    http://www.mixcloud.com/ibby-liao/edm-15-mini-mix/…" target="_blank" style="color:#808080; font-weight:bold;">EDM 15 Mini Mix by http://www.mixcloud.com/ibby-liao/…" target="_blank" style="color:#808080; font-weight:bold;">Ibby Liao on http://www.mixcloud.com/…" target="_blank" style="color:#808080; font-weight:bold;"> Mixcloud

  • /open+sans 在 Subkarma Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2014-09-16 19:27:25
    有 21 人按讚

    Van Logo design competition!!

    有興趣的粉獅們請到 巴斯卡攝影工作室 參考詳細規則!衝啊~~

    Van Logo design competition



    車身彩繪設計必須呈現:Pazza Studio photography, 巴斯卡攝影工作室, http;//pazzastudio.com, 0910845477



    設計作品上的字體需為Open Sans 字體, 顏色可自由搭配。




    This competition is open for anyone to join and is to design the front, sides and back of my van with my logo, studio name, phone number and website. The winner will get a free photoshoot in my studio. or a cash prize for non Taiwan residents.

    All designs should be emailed to me and then put in an album on Facebook. They will be judged by people who join the completion. No one can vote for their own design and the deadline is the 12th of October, after which it will be open for judging.

    The criteria for the design are as follows:

    It has to show: Pazza Studio photography, 巴斯卡攝影工作室, http;//pazzastudio.com, 0910845477

    The van is green, the sides and back need repainting but not the roof because it has been repainted. Some of the original colour needs to be kept so that it matches with the green that is visible inside the van and the top.

    For example you could have dark green or another colour that matches the original colour at the top and gradually changing to the original colour.

    Photos can be included in the design such as a photo on the widow but the van can not be wrapped instead of painting.

    The words should be in open sans font. The logo and words can be any colour that matches.

    If you would like to join the competition, look at the photos of my van and send me an email. I will email you my logo and if needed photos of my van.

